PDF FunctionsThe PDF functions in PHP can create PDF files using the PDFlib library which was initially created by Thomas Merz and is now maintained by » PDFlib GmbH. The documentation in this section is only meant to be an overview of the available functions in the PDFlib library and should not be considered an exhaustive reference. For the full and detailed explanation of each function, consult the PDFlib Reference Manual which is included in all PDFlib packages distributed by PDFlib GmbH. It provides a very good overview of what PDFlib is capable of doing and contains the most up-to-date documentation of all functions. For a jump start we urge you to take a look at the programming samples which are contained in all PDFlib distribution packages. These samples demonstrate basic text, vector, and graphics output as well as higher-level functions, such as the PDF import facility (PDI). All of the functions in PDFlib and the PHP module have identical function names and parameters. Unless configured otherwise, all lengths and coordinates are measured in PostScript points. There are generally 72 PostScript points to an inch, but this depends on the output resolution. Please see the PDFlib Reference Manual included in the PDFlib distribution for a more thorough explanation of the coordinate system used. With version 6, PDFlib offers an object-oriented API for PHP 5 in addition to the function-oriented API for PHP 4. The main difference is the following: In PHP 4, first a PDF resource has to be retrieved with a function call like $p = PDF_new(). This PDF resource is used as the first parameter in all further function calls, such as in PDF_begin_document($p, "", ""). In PHP 5 however, a PDFlib object is created with $p = new PDFlib(). This object offers all PDFlib API functions as methods, e.g. as with $p->begin_document("", ""). In addition, exceptions have been introduced in PHP 5 which are supported by PDFlib 6 and later as well. Please see the examples below for more information.
If you're interested in alternative free PDF generators that do not utilize external PDF libraries, see this related FAQ. PDFlib Lite is available as open source. However, the PDFlib Lite license allows free use only under certain conditions. PDFlib Lite supports a subset of PDFlib's functionality; please see the PDFlib web site for details. The full version of PDFlib is available for download at » http://www.pdflib.com/products/pdflib-family/, but requires that you purchase a license for commercial use. Any version of PHP 4 after March 9, 2000 does not support versions of PDFlib older than 3.0. PDFlib 4.0 or greater is supported by PHP 4.3.0 and later. This » PECL extension is not bundled with PHP. Information for installing this PECL extension may be found in the manual chapter titled Installation of PECL extensions. Additional information such as new releases, downloads, source files, maintainer information, and a CHANGELOG, can be located here: » http://pecl.php.net/package/pdflib.
To get these functions to work in PHP < 4.3.9, you have to compile
PHP with PDF_new() creates a new PDFlib object required by most PDF functions. Starting with PHP 4.0.5, the PHP extension for PDFlib is officially supported by PDFlib GmbH. This means that all the functions described in the PDFlib Reference Manual are supported by PHP 4 with exactly the same meaning and the same parameters. However, with PDFlib Version 5.0.4 or higher all parameters have to be specified. For compatibility reasons, this binding for PDFlib still supports most of the deprecated functions, but they should be replaced by their new versions. PDFlib GmbH will not support any problems arising from the use of these deprecated functions. The documentation in this section indicates old functions as "Deprecated" and gives the replacement function to be used instead.
Most of the functions are fairly easy to use. The most difficult part
is probably creating your first PDF document. The following
example should help to get you started. It is developed for PHP 4 and
creates the file Example 1735. Hello World example from PDFlib distribution for PHP 4<?php
The following example comes with the PDFlib distribution for PHP 5.
It uses the new exception handling and object encapsulation features
available in PHP 5. It creates the file Example 1736. Hello World example from PDFlib distribution for PHP 5<?php Table of Contents
Code Examples / Notes » ref.pdfthodge
Yet another addition to the PDF text extraction code last posted by jorromer. The code only seemed to work for PDF 1.2 (Acrobat 3.x) or below. This pdfExtractText function uses regular expressions to cover cases I have found in PDF 1.3 and 1.4 documents. The code also handles closing brackets in the text stream, which were ignored by the previous version. My regular expression skills are somewhat lacking, so improvements may possible by a more skilled programmer. I'm sure there are still cases that this function will not handle, but I haven't come across any yet... <?php function pdf2string($sourcefile) { $fp = fopen($sourcefile, 'rb'); $content = fread($fp, filesize($sourcefile)); fclose($fp); $searchstart = 'stream'; $searchend = 'endstream'; $pdfText = ''; $pos = 0; $pos2 = 0; $startpos = 0; while ($pos !== false && $pos2 !== false) { $pos = strpos($content, $searchstart, $startpos); $pos2 = strpos($content, $searchend, $startpos + 1); if ($pos !== false && $pos2 !== false){ if ($content[$pos] == 0x0d && $content[$pos + 1] == 0x0a) { $pos += 2; } else if ($content[$pos] == 0x0a) { $pos++; } if ($content[$pos2 - 2] == 0x0d && $content[$pos2 - 1] == 0x0a) { $pos2 -= 2; } else if ($content[$pos2 - 1] == 0x0a) { $pos2--; } $textsection = substr( $content, $pos + strlen($searchstart) + 2, $pos2 - $pos - strlen($searchstart) - 1 ); $data = @gzuncompress($textsection); $pdfText .= pdfExtractText($data); $startpos = $pos2 + strlen($searchend) - 1; } } return preg_replace('/(\s)+/', ' ', $pdfText); } function pdfExtractText($psData){ if (!is_string($psData)) { return ''; } $text = ''; // Handle brackets in the text stream that could be mistaken for // the end of a text field. I'm sure you can do this as part of the // regular expression, but my skills aren't good enough yet. $psData = str_replace('\)', '##ENDBRACKET##', $psData); $psData = str_replace('\]', '##ENDSBRACKET##', $psData); preg_match_all( '/(T[wdcm*])[\s]*(\[([^\]]*)\]|\(([^\)]*)\))[\s]*Tj/si', $psData, $matches ); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches[0]); $i++) { if ($matches[3][$i] != '') { // Run another match over the contents. preg_match_all('/\(([^)]*)\)/si', $matches[3][$i], $subMatches); foreach ($subMatches[1] as $subMatch) { $text .= $subMatch; } } else if ($matches[4][$i] != '') { $text .= ($matches[1][$i] == 'Tc' ? ' ' : '') . $matches[4][$i]; } } // Translate special characters and put back brackets. $trans = array( '...' => 'â¦', '\205' => 'â¦', '\221' => chr(145), '\222' => chr(146), '\223' => chr(147), '\224' => chr(148), '\226' => '-', '\267' => 'â¢', '\(' => '(', '\[' => '[', '##ENDBRACKET##' => ')', '##ENDSBRACKET##' => ']', chr(133) => '-', chr(141) => chr(147), chr(142) => chr(148), chr(143) => chr(145), chr(144) => chr(146), ); $text = strtr($text, $trans); return $text; } ?> jaymaity
Totally free open source alternative is also available without any license cost at http://fpdf.org/ uwe
Those looking for a free replacement of pdflib may consider pslib at http://pslib.sourceforge.net which produces PostScript but it can be easily turned into PDF by Acrobat Distiller or ghostscript. The API is very similar and even hypertext functions are supported. There is also a php extension for pslib in PECL, called ps. taufiq
There is XPDF Win32 binary package at SourceForge for pdftotext purpose that works. I've tried php codes below but didn't work. jonathon hibbard
The other issue with DOMpdf is that it has some pretty painful flaws. You have to supply full paths to everything (images, includes, javascript files, etc). And boy, do i mean everything. Even then, it is not 100% sound. If you have complex sites, it cannot handle it. It instead breaks the design and only provides you with about a million broken images. Don't get me wrong, it's GREAT for use with lower-end more simple sites, but if you have a site that say, has a javascript navigation, flash, and a bunch of container divs, it's really not going to do the job. The above library seems to be the best fit, as about the only way to get high-end sites to work is just to manually write it out yourself using the functions above. Sorry to bust anyone's bubble. Good luck. pitvanester
Sorry, both versions of pdf2txt don´t work...
17-sep-2005 07:26
some code that can be very helpful for starters. <?php // Declare PDF File $pdf = pdf_new(); PDF_open_file($pdf); // Set Document Properties PDF_set_info($pdf, "author", "Alexander Pas"); PDF_set_info($pdf, "title", "PDF by PHP Example"); PDF_set_info($pdf, "creator", "Alexander Pas"); PDF_set_info($pdf, "subject", "Testing Code"); // Get fonts to use pdf_set_parameter($pdf, "FontOutline", "Arial=arial.ttf"); // get a custom font $font1 = PDF_findfont($pdf, "Helvetica-Bold", "winansi", 0); // declare default font $font2 = PDF_findfont($pdf, "Arial", "winansi", 1); // declare custom font & embed into file /* You can use the following Fontypes 14 safely (the default fonts) Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic Symbol, ZapfDingbats */ // make the images $image1 = PDF_open_image_file($pdf, "gif", "image.gif"); //supported filetypes are: jpeg, tiff, gif, png. //Make First Page PDF_begin_page($pdf, 450, 450); // page width and height. $bookmark = PDF_add_bookmark($pdf, "Front"); // add a top level bookmark. PDF_setfont($pdf, $font1, 12); // use this font from now on. PDF_show_xy($pdf, "First Page!", 5, 225); // show this text measured from the left top. pdf_place_image($pdf, $image1, 255, 5, 1); // last number will schale it. PDF_end_page($pdf); // End of Page. //Make Second Page PDF_begin_page($pdf, 450, 225); // page width and height. $bookmark1 = PDF_add_bookmark($pdf, "Chapter1", $bookmark); // add a nested bookmark. (can be nested multiple times.) PDF_setfont($pdf, $font2, 12); // use this font from now on. PDF_show_xy($pdf, "Chapter1!", 225, 5); PDF_add_bookmark($pdf, "Chapter1.1", $bookmark1); // add a nested bookmark (already in a nested one). PDF_setfont($pdf, $font1, 12); PDF_show_xy($pdf, "Chapter1.1", 225, 5); PDF_end_page($pdf); // Finish the PDF File PDF_close($pdf); // End Of PDF-File. $output = PDF_get_buffer($pdf); // assemble the file in a variable. // Output Area header("Content-type: application/pdf"); //set filetype to pdf. header("Content-Length: ".strlen($output)); //content length header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.pdf"); // you can use inline or attachment. echo $output; // actual print area! // Cleanup PDF_delete($pdf); ?> bmironov
RedHat 9 + Apache 2.0 + PHP 4.3.2 + Oracle 9i + PDFlib 5.0.1 (binary distribution) It seems to be a working bundle if you do some magic with ./configure: RedHat 9: kernel-2.4.20-18.9 Apache 2.0.46: ./configure --enable-so --enable-rewrite=shared --enable-status --enable-mpm=prefork PHP 4.3.2: ./configure \ --program-prefix= \ --prefix=/usr \ --exec-prefix=/usr \ --bindir=/usr/bin \ --sbindir=/usr/sbin \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --datadir=/usr/share \ --includedir=/usr/include \ --libdir=/usr/lib \ --libexecdir=/usr/libexec \ --localstatedir=/var \ --sharedstatedir=/usr/com \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --with-config-file-path=/etc \ --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d \ --without-tsrm-pthreads \ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --with-zlib \ --with-gd \ --enable-gd-native-ttf \ --with-ttf \ --without-mysql \ --with-apxs2filter=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \ --with-oci8 \ --enable-sigchild \ --enable-inline-optimization Oracle9i: ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/public/nzerror.h $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/nzerror.h ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/public/nzt.h $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/nzt.h ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/public/ociextp.h $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/ociextp.h If you want to use bundled GD-library then: 1) install following packages: libjpeg, libjpeg-devel, libpng, libpng-devel, freetype, freetype-devel, libtiff, libtiff-devel, zlib, zlib-devel 2) ln -s /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62 /usr/lib/libjpeg.so ln -s /usr/lib/libpng.so.62 /usr/lib/libpng.so It seems to be a working combination, because it is NOT give you: 1) error message in Apache's error_log: Module compiled with module API=20020429, debug=0, thread-safety=0 PHP compiled with module API=20020429, debug=0, thread-safety=1 2) error message in Apache's error_log: [notice] child pid 12345 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) 3) MS Internet Explorer can show PDF-output from your PHP-script via Acrobat plug-in and does not crush. No confusing messages about opening "Adobe Acrobat Control for ActiveX". Hope it will save you some time. Good luck, Boris pbierans
Load extension, open a PDF, add a font, modify PDF in memory and send it to browser: <?php // no cache headers: header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); $ext_name="libpdf_php.so"; // libpdf_php.so is the PDFLIB for SunOS by "PDFlib GmbH" // visit http://www.pdflib.com // if the extension is not automatically loaded by Apache // dl() will try to load it on demand: if (!extension_loaded($ext_name) && !@dl($ext_name)) { ?> <table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td align="center"> <table style="border: solid #f0f0f0 2px;"><tr> <td valign="middle" style="padding: 20px; margin: 0px;"> <p style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; "> <b>Sorry,</b> A PDF can not be generated right now. The administrator has been informed and will fix this as soon as possible. Please try again later. </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> <?php mail('admin@domain.com','Error: PDFLib not found', 'Called by script:\n '.$SCRIPT_FILENAME.'?'.$QUERY_STRING, "From: warnings@domain.com\n"); exit; } // verify that extension is usable // unique serial number: srand(microtime()*10000); $usnr= gmdate("Ymd-His-").rand(1000,9999).'-'; $pdf_file=$usnr.'result.pdf'; $src_file='source.pdf'; // create pdf object $pdf = pdf_new(); pdf_open_file($pdf); pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'serial', 'if-you-have-one'); // fonts to embed, they are in the folder of this file: pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'FontAFM', 'TradeGothic=Tg______.afm'); pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'FontOutline', 'TradeGothic=Tg______.pfb'); pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'FontPFM', 'TradeGothic=Tg______.pfm'); // load the source file: $src_doc =pdf_open_pdi($pdf,$src_file,'', 0); $src_page =pdf_open_pdi_page($pdf,$src_doc,1,''); $src_width =pdf_get_pdi_value($pdf,'width' ,$src_doc,$src_page,0); $src_height=pdf_get_pdi_value($pdf,'height',$src_doc,$src_page,0); pdf_begin_page($pdf, $src_width, $src_height); { // place the sourcefile to the background of the actual page: pdf_place_pdi_page($pdf,$src_page,0,0,1,1); pdf_close_pdi_page($pdf,$src_page); // modify the page: pdf_set_font($pdf, 'TradeGothic', 8, 'host'); pdf_show_xy($pdf, 'Now: '.gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"),50,50); } pdf_end_page($pdf); pdf_close($pdf); // prepare output: $pdfdata = pdf_get_buffer($pdf); // to echo the pdf-data $pdfsize = strlen($pdfdata); // IE requires the datasize // real datatype headers: header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="'.$pdf_file.'"'); header('Content-length: '.$pdfsize); echo $pdfdata; exit; // keep this one so no #13#10 or #32 will be written ?> 28-aug-2005 05:58
If you want to display the number of pages (for example: page 1 of 3) then the following code could be helpful: <?php ... $pdf->begin_page_ext(842,595 , ""); .. add text,images,... $pdf->suspend_page(""); $pdf->begin_page_ext(842,595 , ""); .. add text,images,... $pdf->suspend_page(""); ... create all pages $pdf->resume_page("pagenumber 1"); ... add number of pages to page 1 $pdf->end_page_ext(""); $pdf->resume_page("pagenumber 2"); ... add number of pages to page 2 $pdf->end_page_ext(""); ... ?> sven.schuberth
I've improved the codesnipped for the pdf2txt version 1.2. Now its possible the translate pdf version >1.2 into plain text. Sven <?php // Function : pdf2txt() // Arguments : $filename - Filename of the PDF you want to extract // Description : Reads a pdf file, extracts data streams, and manages // their translation to plain text - returning the plain // text at the end // Authors : Jonathan Beckett, 2005-05-02 // : Sven Schuberth, 2007-03-29 function pdf2txt($filename){ $data = getFileData($filename); $s=strpos($data,"%")+1; $version=substr($data,$s,strpos($data,"%",$s)-1); if(substr_count($version,"PDF-1.2")==0) return handleV3($data); else return handleV2($data); } // handles the verson 1.2 function handleV2($data){ // grab objects and then grab their contents (chunks) $a_obj = getDataArray($data,"obj","endobj"); foreach($a_obj as $obj){ $a_filter = getDataArray($obj,"<<",">>"); if (is_array($a_filter)){ $j++; $a_chunks[$j]["filter"] = $a_filter[0]; $a_data = getDataArray($obj,"stream\r\n","endstream"); if (is_array($a_data)){ $a_chunks[$j]["data"] = substr($a_data[0], strlen("stream\r\n"), strlen($a_data[0])-strlen("stream\r\n")-strlen("endstream")); } } } // decode the chunks foreach($a_chunks as $chunk){ // look at each chunk and decide how to decode it - by looking at the contents of the filter $a_filter = split("/",$chunk["filter"]); if ($chunk["data"]!=""){ // look at the filter to find out which encoding has been used if (substr($chunk["filter"],"FlateDecode")!==false){ $data =@ gzuncompress($chunk["data"]); if (trim($data)!=""){ $result_data .= ps2txt($data); } else { //$result_data .= "x"; } } } } return $result_data; } //handles versions >1.2 function handleV3($data){ // grab objects and then grab their contents (chunks) $a_obj = getDataArray($data,"obj","endobj"); $result_data=""; foreach($a_obj as $obj){ //check if it a string if(substr_count($obj,"/GS1")>0){ //the strings are between ( and ) preg_match_all("|\((.*?)\)|",$obj,$field,PREG_SET_ORDER); if(is_array($field)) foreach($field as $data) $result_data.=$data[1]; } } return $result_data; } function ps2txt($ps_data){ $result = ""; $a_data = getDataArray($ps_data,"[","]"); if (is_array($a_data)){ foreach ($a_data as $ps_text){ $a_text = getDataArray($ps_text,"(",")"); if (is_array($a_text)){ foreach ($a_text as $text){ $result .= substr($text,1,strlen($text)-2); } } } } else { // the data may just be in raw format (outside of [] tags) $a_text = getDataArray($ps_data,"(",")"); if (is_array($a_text)){ foreach ($a_text as $text){ $result .= substr($text,1,strlen($text)-2); } } } return $result; } function getFileData($filename){ $handle = fopen($filename,"rb"); $data = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); fclose($handle); return $data; } function getDataArray($data,$start_word,$end_word){ $start = 0; $end = 0; unset($a_result); while ($start!==false && $end!==false){ $start = strpos($data,$start_word,$end); if ($start!==false){ $end = strpos($data,$end_word,$start); if ($end!==false){ // data is between start and end $a_result[] = substr($data,$start,$end-$start+strlen($end_word)); } } } return $a_result; } ?> donatas
I've been looking for a way to extract plain text from PDF documents (needed to search for text inside 'em). Not being able to find one I wrote the needed functions myself. here you go folks. <?php function pdf2string ($sourceFile) { $textArray = array (); $objStart = 0; $fp = fopen ($sourceFile, 'rb'); $content = fread ($fp, filesize ($sourceFile)); fclose ($fp); $searchTagStart = chr(13).chr(10).'stream'; $searchTagStartLenght = strlen ($searchTagStart); while ((($objStart = strpos ($content, $searchTagStart, $objStart)) && ($objEnd = strpos ($content, 'endstream', $objStart+1)))) { $data = substr ($content, $objStart + $searchTagStartLenght + 2, $objEnd - ($objStart + $searchTagStartLenght) - 2); $data = @gzuncompress ($data); if ($data !== FALSE && strpos ($data, 'BT') !== FALSE && strpos ($data, 'ET') !== FALSE) { $textArray [] = ExtractText ($data); } $objStart = $objStart < $objEnd ? $objEnd : $objStart + 1; } return $textArray; } function ExtractText ($postScriptData) { while ((($textStart = strpos ($postScriptData, '(', $textStart)) && ($textEnd = strpos ($postScriptData, ')', $textStart + 1)) && substr ($postScriptData, $textEnd - 1) != '\\')) { $plainText .= substr ($postScriptData, $textStart + 1, $textEnd - $textStart - 1); if (substr ($postScriptData, $textEnd + 1, 1) == ']') //this adds quite some additional spaces between the words { $plainText .= ' '; } $textStart = $textStart < $textEnd ? $textEnd : $textStart + 1; } return stripslashes ($plainText); } ?> ontwerp
I was searching for a lowcost/opensource option for combining static html files [as templates] and dynamic output from perl or php routines etc. And the sooner or later I found out that this was the most stable, 'speedest' and customizeable way to produce usable pdf 's with nice formatting : 1] create html page output [perl-> html output, direct html output from any app or php echo's etc. [sort these html files locally] 2] parse all html [inluding webimages links, tables font formatting etc] to [E]PS files with the perl app : html2ps [as mentioned beneath] http://user.it.uu.se/~jan/html2ps.html [sort all ps files by future pdf page positions] 3] use the free ps2pdf/ps2pdfwr linux application http://www.ps2pdf.com/convert/index.htm [uses gostscript, ghostview libs and so on etc] Has great formatting options like headers, footers, numbering etc [sort pdf files] 4] convert all pdf files to 1 pdf file with : pdftk [pdftoolkit], deliveres optional compressions/encryption, background stamps etc One should ask why using different scripts : - combination perl/php is great : perl is speedier at some issues like conversion to ps files in my experience - ps to pdf is quickier then direct php to pdf [in my exp.!] - I have total control over every files whenever i change html files as a template I use only editors or other app. for it [online or offline]. p.s. I had to make a opensource solution for creating simpel report analyses that's based on things like : - first page [name / title / #/ date] - some static info [like introduction, copyrights etc] - some dynamic info [outputted from php->dbase queries] combined with html tags/images etc. And this all mixed [so seperated in files for transparancy]. Also the 3 way manner : data-> html, html->ps, ps->pdf, is easier and quickier to program or adjust in every step. Correct me if i'm wrong [mail me to] ing. Valentijn Langendorff Design & Technologist spingary
I was having trouble with streaming inline PDf's using PHP 5.0.2, Apache 2.0.54. This is my code: <? header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate"); header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($file)); header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=$file"); header("Accept-Ranges: ".filesize($file)); readfile($file); exit(); ?> It would work fine in Mozilla Firefox (1.0.7) but with IE (6.0.2800.1106) it would not bring up the Adobe Reader plugin and instead ask me to save it or open it as a PHP file. Oddly enough, I turned off ZLib.compression and it started working. I guess the compression is confusing IE. I tried leaving out the content-length header thinking maybe it was unmatched filesize (uncompressed number vs actual received compressed size), but then without it it screws up Firefox too. What I ended up doing was disabling Zlib compression for the PDF output pages using ini_set: <? ini_set('zlib.output_compression','Off'); ?> Maybe this will help someone. Will post over in the PDF section as well. sam from dogmaconsult.de
I seriously tried to get PDF parsing to work to use it in the indexing for fulltext search for a document management. But none of the pdf2text functions below worked for my test cases (among them an openoffice generated pdf file and a file generated by fpdf). But I found a REALLY WORKING SOLUTION! On linux systems, install the XPDF package. It comes with a tool called pdftotext. Use php code similar to the following to get the text content of your pdf files: <? $file = "test.pdf"; $outpath = preg_replace("/\.pdf$/", "", $file).".txt"; system("pdftotext ".escapeshellcmd($file), $ret); if ($ret == 0) { $value = file_get_contents($outpath); unlink($outpath); print $value; } if ($ret == 127) print "Could not find pdftotext tool."; if ($ret == 1) print "Could not find pdf file."; ?> The solution works on all test cases and is much more powerful than any of the previous pure php functions posted here, although only available on linux. jorromer
I recently use mattb code below for the extraction of text from PDF files. I modify this code for only extract text fields. Hope i can help some one Here is the Function <?php $text = pdf2string("file.pdf"); echo $text; function pdf2string($sourcefile){ $fp = fopen($sourcefile, 'rb'); $content = fread($fp, filesize($sourcefile)); fclose($fp); $searchstart = 'stream'; $searchend = 'endstream'; $pdfdocument = ''; $pos = 0; $pos2 = 0; $startpos = 0; while( $pos !== false && $pos2 !== false ){ $pos = strpos($content, $searchstart, $startpos); $pos2 = strpos($content, $searchend, $startpos + 1); if ($pos !== false && $pos2 !== false){ if ($content[$pos]==0x0d && $content[$pos+1]==0x0a) $pos+=2; else if ($content[$pos]==0x0a) $pos++; if ($content[$pos2-2]==0x0d && $content[$pos2-1]==0x0a) $pos2-=2; else if ($content[$pos2-1]==0x0a) $pos2--; $textsection = substr($content, $pos + strlen($searchstart) + 2, $pos2 - $pos - strlen($searchstart) - 1); $data = @gzuncompress($textsection); $data = ExtractText2($data); $startpos = $pos2 + strlen($searchend) - 1; if ($data === false){ return -1;} $pdfdocument .= $data;}} return $pdfdocument;} function ExtractText2($postScriptData){ $sw = true; $textStart = 0; $len = strlen($postScriptData); while ($sw){ $ini = strpos($postScriptData, '(', $textStart); $end = strpos($postScriptData, ')', $textStart+1); if (($ini>0) && ($end>$ini)){ $valtext = strpos($postScriptData,'Tj',$end+1); if ($valtext == $end + 2) $text .= substr($postScriptData,$ini+1,$end - $ini - 1);} $textStart = $end + 1; if ($len<=$textStart) $sw=false; if (($ini == 0) && ($end == 0)) $sw=false;} $trans = array("\\341" => "a","\\351" => "e","\\355" => "i","\\363" => "o","\\223" => "","\\224" => ""); $text = strtr($text, $trans); return $text; } ?> mattb
I recently tested Donatas' code below for the extraction of text from PDF files. After running into a few problems where PDF files were not being read at all, I've modified it somewhat. It still isn't perfect, but should work great for searching. Thanks Donatas. <?php $test = pdf2string("<pathtoPDFfile>"); echo "$test"; # Returns a -1 if uncompression failed function pdf2string($sourcefile) { $fp = fopen($sourcefile, 'rb'); $content = fread($fp, filesize($sourcefile)); fclose($fp); # Locate all text hidden within the stream and endstream tags $searchstart = 'stream'; $searchend = 'endstream'; $pdfdocument = ""; $pos = 0; $pos2 = 0; $startpos = 0; # Iterate through each stream block while( $pos !== false && $pos2 !== false ) { # Grab beginning and end tag locations if they have not yet been parsed $pos = strpos($content, $searchstart, $startpos); $pos2 = strpos($content, $searchend, $startpos + 1); if( $pos !== false && $pos2 !== false ) { # Extract compressed text from between stream tags and uncompress $textsection = substr($content, $pos + strlen($searchstart) + 2, $pos2 - $pos - strlen($searchstart) - 1); $data = @gzuncompress($textsection); # Clean up text via a special function $data = ExtractText($data); # Increase our PDF pointer past the section we just read $startpos = $pos2 + strlen($searchend) - 1; if( $data === false ) { return -1; } $pdfdocument = $pdfdocument . $data; } } return $pdfdocument; } function ExtractText($postScriptData) { while( (($textStart = strpos($postScriptData, '(', $textStart)) && ($textEnd = strpos($postScriptData, ')', $textStart + 1)) && substr($postScriptData, $textEnd - 1) != '\\') ) { $plainText .= substr($postScriptData, $textStart + 1, $textEnd - $textStart - 1); if( substr($postScriptData, $textEnd + 1, 1) == ']' ) // This adds quite some additional spaces between the words { $plainText .= ' '; } $textStart = $textStart < $textEnd ? $textEnd : $textStart + 1; } return stripslashes($plainText); } ?> webadmin
I found this info about pdflib scope on a Chinese (I think) site and translated it. I was trying to do pdf_setfont and kept getting the wrong scope error. Turns out it has to be in the Page scope. So pdf_setfont will only work when called between pdf_begin_page and pdf_end_page. ######################################### When API of the PDFlib is called, the error, Can't - IN 'document' scope occurs There is a concept of " the scope " in the PDFlib, as for all API of the PDFlib it is called with some scope, the *1 which is decided This error occurs when it is called other than the scope where API is appointed. The chart below in reference, please verify API call position. Path: PDF_moveto (), PDF_circle (), PDF_arc (), PDF_arcn (), PDF_rect () in each case PDF_stroke (), PDF_closepath_stroke (), PDF_fill (), PDF_fill_stroke (), PDF_closepath_fill_stroke (), PDF_clip (), PDF_endpath () the between Page: PDF_begin_page () with PDF_end_page () in between outside path Template: PDF_begin_template () with PDF_end_template () in between outside path Pattern: PDF_begin_pattern () with PDF_end_pattern () in between outside path Font: PDF_begin_font () with PDF_end_font () in between outside glyph Glyph: PDF_begin_glyph () with PDF_end_glyph () in between outside path Document: PDF_open_* () with PDF_close () in between outside page tempalte and pattern Object: The PDF_new () with the PDF_delete () it belongs to the other no scope in between the place Null: Outside object Any: All scopes other than ########################################## Hope this helps others as much as it helped me!!! luc
I am trying to extract the text from PDF files and use it to feed a search engine (Intranet tool). I tried several functions "PDF2TXT" posted below, but not they do not produce the expected result. At least, all words need to be separated by spaces (then used as keywords), and the "junk" codes removed (for example: binary data, pictures...). I start modifying the interesting function posted by Swen, and here is the my current version that starts to work quite well (with PDF version 1.2). Sorry for having a quite different style of programming. Luc <?php // Patch for pdf2txt() posted Sven Schuberth // Add/replace following code (cannot post full program, size limitation) // handles the verson 1.2 // New version of handleV2($data), only one line changed function handleV2($data){ // grab objects and then grab their contents (chunks) $a_obj = getDataArray($data,"obj","endobj"); foreach($a_obj as $obj){ $a_filter = getDataArray($obj,"<<",">>"); if (is_array($a_filter)){ $j++; $a_chunks[$j]["filter"] = $a_filter[0]; $a_data = getDataArray($obj,"stream\r\n","endstream"); if (is_array($a_data)){ $a_chunks[$j]["data"] = substr($a_data[0], strlen("stream\r\n"), strlen($a_data[0])-strlen("stream\r\n")-strlen("endstream")); } } } // decode the chunks foreach($a_chunks as $chunk){ // look at each chunk and decide how to decode it - by looking at the contents of the filter $a_filter = split("/",$chunk["filter"]); if ($chunk["data"]!=""){ // look at the filter to find out which encoding has been used if (substr($chunk["filter"],"FlateDecode")!==false){ $data =@ gzuncompress($chunk["data"]); if (trim($data)!=""){ // CHANGED HERE, before: $result_data .= ps2txt($data); $result_data .= PS2Text_New($data); } else { //$result_data .= "x"; } } } } return $result_data; } // New function - Extract text from PS codes function ExtractPSTextElement($SourceString) { $CurStartPos = 0; while (($CurStartText = strpos($SourceString, '(', $CurStartPos)) !== FALSE) { // New text element found if ($CurStartText - $CurStartPos > 8) $Spacing = ' '; else { $SpacingSize = substr($SourceString, $CurStartPos, $CurStartText - $CurStartPos); if ($SpacingSize < -25) $Spacing = ' '; else $Spacing = ''; } $CurStartText++; $StartSearchEnd = $CurStartText; while (($CurStartPos = strpos($SourceString, ')', $StartSearchEnd)) !== FALSE) { if (substr($SourceString, $CurStartPos - 1, 1) != '\\') break; $StartSearchEnd = $CurStartPos + 1; } if ($CurStartPos === FALSE) break; // something wrong happened // Remove ending '-' if (substr($Result, -1, 1) == '-') { $Spacing = ''; $Result = substr($Result, 0, -1); } // Add to result $Result .= $Spacing . substr($SourceString, $CurStartText, $CurStartPos - $CurStartText); $CurStartPos++; } // Add line breaks (otherwise, result is one big line...) return $Result . "\n"; } // Global table for codes replacement $TCodeReplace = array ('\(' => '(', '\)' => ')'); // New function, replacing old "pd2txt" function function PS2Text_New($PS_Data) { global $TCodeReplace; // Catch up some codes if (ord($PS_Data[0]) < 10) return ''; if (substr($PS_Data, 0, 8) == '/CIDInit') return ''; // Some text inside (...) can be found outside the [...] sets, then ignored // => disable the processing of [...] is the easiest solution $Result = ExtractPSTextElement($PS_Data); // echo "Code=$PS_Data\nRES=$Result\n\n"; // Remove/translate some codes return strtr($Result, $TCodeReplace); } ?> chu61 dot tw
How to get how many pages in a PDF? I read PDF spec. V1.6 and find this: PDF set a "Page Tree Node" to define the ordering of pages in the document. The tree structure allows PDF applications, using little memory to quickly open a document containing thousands of pages. If a PDF have 63 pages, the page tree node will like this... 2 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kidsn [ 4 0 R 10 0 R ] /Count 63 <---- YES, got it >> endobj [P.S] a PDF may not only a pages tree node, The right answer is in "root page tree node", if /Count XX with /Parent XXX node, it not "root page tree node" SO, You must find the node with /Count XX and Without /Parent terms, and you'll get total pages of PDF %PDF-1.0 ~ %PDF-1.5 all works Alex form Taipei,Taiwan samcontact
Here is another great tutorial on basic PDF building w/ PHP: http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/02/20/index3a.html?tw=programming ======================= http://myteks.com Computer Repair & Web Design ======================= brendandonhue
Here is a function to test whether a file is a PDF without using any external library. <?php define('PDF_MAGIC', "\\x25\\x50\\x44\\x46\\x2D"); function is_pdf($filename) { return (file_get_contents($filename, false, null, 0, strlen(PDF_MAGIC)) === PDF_MAGIC) ? true : false; } ?> It's not checking if the whole file is valid, just if the correct header is present at the beginning of the file. jkndrkn
For those of us that do not want to pay for a commercial license to use PDFlib in a closed-source project, there are at least two good alternatives: FPDF and TCPDF http://www.fpdf.org/ PHP4 and PHP5 support http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdf-php PHP5 support only brain23
For FPDF there also is an addon (FPDI) available, which let you import existing PDF documents: http://www.setasign.de/products/pdf-php-solutions/fpdi/ david
Easiest way to get the text of a pdf is to install xpdf (on redhat yum -y install xpdf) then run xpdftotext your.pdf - which will then generate your.txt. praokean
domPDF is not so great PDF creator becouse don't support foreign charachters.
domPDF is also a great PDF creation interface. it basically converts your code to CSS and then builds the PDF from that with the absolute positions, and what not...
After one hole day understanding how pdflib works i got the conclusion that its enough hard to draw just with words to furthermore for drawing a line maybe you will need something like four lines of code, so i did my own functions to do the life easier and the code more understable to modify and draw. I also made a function that will draw a rect with the corners round and the posibility even to fill it ;) You can get it from http://www.deulos.com/pdf_php.php feel free to make suggestions or whatever u like ;o) senortz senortz
About creating a PDF document based on the content of another document(let's say a text file): I have tried to send to the PDF-creator page from a link from the sender page the file name of the file I want to read the content from and generate the PDF document containing this content. The idea is is that when I tried to reffer the pdf-creator page via the link your_root/create_pdf.php?filename=$your_file_name, the pdf-creator page does not behave well when before creating the pdf document I have a line like $filename = $_GET["filename"]. I solved this using on the sender page instead of the link a form with a button, so the form has as action "create_pdf.php", as method "post" and a hidden field containing the "filename" value. And it works like this if, on the pdf-creator page I have a line like $filename = $_POST["filename"]. I would like to understand why this way it works and the other way does not. I hope this helps. Here are the pieces of code I used. Sender page: print("<form name='to_pdf' action='see_pdf_file.php' method='post'>"); print("<br/><input type='submit' value='PDF'><input type='hidden' name='filename' value='$filename'></form>"); PDF-creator page: <? $filename = $_POST["filename"]; $file_handle = fopen($filename, "r"); $file_content = file_get_contents($filename); fclose($file_handle); // $file_content = wordwrap($file_content,72,"|"); $a_row = explode("|",$file_content); $i = 0; // $pdf = pdf_new(); pdf_open_file($pdf, ""); pdf_begin_page($pdf, 595, 842); pdf_set_font($pdf, "Times-Roman", 16, "host"); pdf_add_outline($pdf, "Page 1"); pdf_set_value($pdf, "textrendering", 1); pdf_show_xy($pdf, 'The content of the file:',50,700); while ($a_row[$i] != "") { pdf_continue_text($pdf,$a_row[$i]); $i++; } pdf_end_page($pdf); pdf_close($pdf); // $data = pdf_get_buffer($pdf); // header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=test.pdf"); header("Content-length: " . strlen($data)); // echo $data; ?> PDFLib and PHP 431 used. Thanks. spadmore1980
http://www.fpdf.org/ is also quite good. Np lib install is required -Shelon Padmore tatlar
http://www.digitaljunkies.ca/dompdf/index.php PHP5 class that converts HTML to PDF. From the website: "At its heart, dompdf is (mostly) CSS2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP. It is a style-driven renderer: it will download and read external stylesheets, inline style tags, and the style attributes of individual HTML elements. It also supports most presentational HTML attributes." michi alt+q marel.at
<?PHP /* A little helpful function to calculate millimeters to points */ function calcToPt($intMillimeter) { $intPoints = ($intMillimeter*72)/25.4; $intPoints = round($intPoints); return $intPoints; } /* For example: Create DIN A4 210x297 mm */ pdf_begin_page( $pdf, calcToPt(210), calcToPt(297)); // 595x842 pt ?> |
Change Language.NET Functions Apache-specific Functions Alternative PHP Cache Advanced PHP debugger Array Functions Aspell functions [deprecated] BBCode Functions BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics Functions PHP bytecode Compiler Bzip2 Compression Functions Calendar Functions CCVS API Functions [deprecated] Class/Object Functions Classkit Functions ClibPDF Functions [deprecated] COM and .Net (Windows) Crack Functions Character Type Functions CURL Cybercash Payment Functions Credit Mutuel CyberMUT functions Cyrus IMAP administration Functions Date and Time Functions DB++ Functions Database (dbm-style) Abstraction Layer Functions dBase Functions DBM Functions [deprecated] dbx Functions Direct IO Functions Directory Functions DOM Functions DOM XML Functions enchant Functions Error Handling and Logging Functions Exif Functions Expect Functions File Alteration Monitor Functions Forms Data Format Functions Fileinfo Functions filePro Functions Filesystem Functions Filter Functions Firebird/InterBase Functions Firebird/Interbase Functions (PDO_FIREBIRD) FriBiDi Functions FrontBase Functions FTP Functions Function Handling Functions GeoIP Functions Gettext Functions GMP Functions gnupg Functions Net_Gopher Haru PDF Functions hash Functions HTTP Hyperwave Functions Hyperwave API Functions i18n Functions IBM Functions (PDO_IBM) IBM DB2 iconv Functions ID3 Functions IIS Administration Functions Image Functions Imagick Image Library IMAP Informix Functions Informix Functions (PDO_INFORMIX) Ingres II Functions IRC Gateway Functions PHP / Java Integration JSON Functions KADM5 LDAP Functions libxml Functions Lotus Notes Functions LZF Functions Mail Functions Mailparse Functions Mathematical Functions MaxDB PHP Extension MCAL Functions Mcrypt Encryption Functions MCVE (Monetra) Payment Functions Memcache Functions Mhash Functions Mimetype Functions Ming functions for Flash Miscellaneous Functions mnoGoSearch Functions Microsoft SQL Server Functions Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions mSQL Functions Multibyte String Functions muscat Functions MySQL Functions MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) MySQL Improved Extension Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions Network Functions Newt Functions NSAPI-specific Functions Object Aggregation/Composition Functions Object property and method call overloading Oracle Functions ODBC Functions (Unified) ODBC and DB2 Functions (PDO_ODBC) oggvorbis OpenAL Audio Bindings OpenSSL Functions Oracle Functions [deprecated] Oracle Functions (PDO_OCI) Output Control Functions Ovrimos SQL Functions Paradox File Access Parsekit Functions Process Control Functions Regular Expression Functions (Perl-Compatible) PDF Functions PDO Functions Phar archive stream and classes PHP Options&Information POSIX Functions Regular Expression Functions (POSIX Extended) PostgreSQL Functions PostgreSQL Functions (PDO_PGSQL) Printer Functions Program Execution Functions PostScript document creation Pspell Functions qtdom Functions Radius Rar Functions GNU Readline GNU Recode Functions RPM Header Reading Functions runkit Functions SAM - Simple Asynchronous Messaging Satellite CORBA client extension [deprecated] SCA Functions SDO Functions SDO XML Data Access Service Functions SDO Relational Data Access Service Functions Semaphore SESAM Database Functions PostgreSQL Session Save Handler Session Handling Functions Shared Memory Functions SimpleXML functions SNMP Functions SOAP Functions Socket Functions Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions SQLite Functions SQLite Functions (PDO_SQLITE) Secure Shell2 Functions Statistics Functions Stream Functions String Functions Subversion Functions Shockwave Flash Functions Swish Functions Sybase Functions TCP Wrappers Functions Tidy Functions Tokenizer Functions Unicode Functions URL Functions Variable Handling Functions Verisign Payflow Pro Functions vpopmail Functions W32api Functions WDDX Functions win32ps Functions win32service Functions xattr Functions xdiff Functions XML Parser Functions XML-RPC Functions XMLReader functions XMLWriter Functions XSL functions XSLT Functions YAZ Functions YP/NIS Functions Zip File Functions Zlib Compression Functions |