PHP : Function Reference : PDF Functions : PDF_fit_textline
Here is a function I created in order to allow me to do textblocks on pdflib lite. Hope this helps someone else, cause all the stuff I've found on has helped me.
$p is your pdf resource
$text is the string to put in the box
$cols is the number col characters before a carriage return
$xcrd,$ycrd is lower left of first line.
This will accept \n as a newline/carriage return and use it to skip to next line. It is not setup to hyphenate words, but someday I'll build one, or buy the full pdf package. ;)
function text_block($p,$text,$cols,$xcrd,$ycrd)
$font_size=12; //font size, used to space lines on y axis
$tmplines = explode("\n",$text);
$tmptxt = explode(" ",$tmplines[$j]);
if($str=="") $str=sprintf("%s",$tmptxt[$i]);
else $str=sprintf("%s %s",$str,$tmptxt[$i]);
if((strlen($str) + strlen($tmptxt[$i+1])) > $cols)
return $ycrd;
A patch to the code below to handle an array bounds error that arises:
$nextText = "";
if ( ( count( $tmpTxt ) - 1 ) >= ( $i + 1 ) )
{ $nextText = $tmpTxt[ $i+1 ]; }
if ( ( strlen( $str ) + strlen( $nextText ) ) > $cols )