Set fill and stroke color
Related Examples ( Source code ) » pdf_setcolor Examples ( Source code ) » Create a PDF document containing a pie chart Code Examples / Notes » pdf_setcolorenyo vel cora
This seems a little less complicated: this is the color you want to use : 'FF11AA' <?php pdf_setcolor ($pdf, 'both', 0xFF / 255, 0x11 / 255, 0xAA / 255); ?> psychosos
If you want to change the font color you need to set type to "fill", not "stroke" ("both" also works, of course).
Here's a function for converting HTML hexadecimal colors to RGB decimals suitable for this function: $color_hex = "FF0000"; ## whatever hex color you want $color = convert_hexcolor_rgbdec($color_hex); pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'fill', 'rgb', $color['r'], $color['g'], $color['b']); function convert_hexcolor_rgbdec($color_hex) { $color['r'] = hexdec(substr($color_hex, 0, 2))/255; $color['g'] = hexdec(substr($color_hex, 2, 2))/255; $color['b'] = hexdec(substr($color_hex, 4, 2))/255; return $color; } -Derek _meto alt+q web.de
Damn, this took me some real long time! Maybe it's helpfull for those who even have no idea of color-Schemes like me ;) If u want to generate PDF's for Print Offices u need to set all the colors in CMYK. Here is a Function that will convert RGB to CMYK <? function hex2rgb($hex) { $color = str_replace('#','',$hex); $rgb = array('r' => hexdec(substr($color,0,2)), 'g' => hexdec(substr($color,2,2)), 'b' => hexdec(substr($color,4,2))); return $rgb; } function rgb2cmyk($var1,$g=0,$b=0) { if(is_array($var1)) { $r = $var1['r']; $g = $var1['g']; $b = $var1['b']; } else $r=$var1; $cyan = 255 - $r; $magenta = 255 - $g; $yellow = 255 - $b; $black = min($cyan, $magenta, $yellow); $cyan = @(($cyan - $black) / (255 - $black)) * 255; $magenta = @(($magenta - $black) / (255 - $black)) * 255; $yellow = @(($yellow - $black) / (255 - $black)) * 255; return array('c' => $cyan / 255, 'm' => $magenta / 255, 'y' => $yellow / 255, 'k' => $black / 255); } $color=rgb2cmyk(hex2rgb('#FF0000')); pdf_setcolor($pdf, "both", "cmyk", $color['c'], $color['m'], $color['y'], $color['k']); ?> U can call it with parameters (r,g,b) or just an array(r,g,b) that contains these values. Hope it works correct. All testing was fine. maurice dot anglebert
Bonjour, Cette fonction est utilisable pour définir une couleur de police. Hello, I search for the way of setting colors for the font in pdf and I find this. Hope it could help. <?php /** * set font color * maurice.anglebert@free.fr */ // path for the pdf file and string to show $pdfFilePath = $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]."/the_dir_of_the_file/test.pdf"; $string = "The new color of my font"; $pdf = pdf_new(); pdf_open_file($pdf, $pdfFilePath); pdf_set_info($pdf, "Title", "Test pdf"); // A4 page pdf_begin_page($pdf, 595, 842); // set up of the font $font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "Courier", "host", FALSE); if (isset($font)) { pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, 10) or die ("unknown font"); } pdf_setColor($pdf, "fill", "rgb",0, 0, 1); // this for blue color // pdf_setColor($pdf, "fill", "rgb",1, 0, 0) for red pdf_set_value($pdf, "textrendering", 0); // show at the top of the page center pdf_show_boxed($pdf, $string, 0, 832, 595, 10, "center", ""); // resets graphic state pdf_initGraphics($pdf); // end of page and pdf_object pdf_end_page($pdf); pdf_close($pdf); pdf_delete($pdf); // use header to get the file header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-length: ".filesize($pdfFilePath)); header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=test.pdf"); readfile($pdfFilePath); ?> steven dot gould If you encounter errors of the form function 'PDF_setcolor' must not be called in 'path' scope this generally means that you've called the PDFLib functions in the wrong order. For example, the following would be *incorrect* because PDF_rect marks the beginning of the "path scope", and set_color must not be called in path scope: // THIS CODE WILL PRODUCE AN ERROR PDF_rect($pdf,0,0,$width,$height); PDF_setcolor($pdf,$red,$green,$blue); PDF_fill($pdf); The correct order of function calls is as follows: // Correct order of function calls PDF_setcolor($pdf,$red,$green,$blue); PDF_rect($pdf,0,0,$width,$height); PDF_fill($pdf); |
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