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Orca - Interactive forum script - AJAX Script

Enjoy the spirit of Web 2.0 with 100% AJAX forum software for self-moderated community In the world of accelerating technologies you don`t want archaic forum software. You want something new, fresh, classy, stylish and sexy - just like Orca. Orca introduces a new approach to building online discussion boards. The main focus in Orca is given to self-moderation - it provides tools to build a community without -moderators or administrators. It gives true freedom. Everyone wants an AJAX-powered forum, but it used to be impossible to have one. BoonEx managed to overcome AJAX-related flaws in terms of programming and usability. Orca is an AJAX forum without AJAX problems. The "Back" button does work, book-marks do work, permalinks do work and yes, it is SEARCH-ENGINE-FRIENDLY.
Hits: 122954

Free   Version: n/a   Platform(s): All   Updated:  January 12, 2008

Developer: Demo Download  
Rated by: 3 user(s)  
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