Centered Popup Box
Description: Popup window replacement. The script will show an
absolutely-positioned box centered in the currently displayed page part. It can be triggered by hyperlink click, page load or any other event. It will show contents of a separate HTM...,
Hits: 6974
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
June 15, 2008 |
Simple DHTML popup
Description: Standard JS popup stops scripts execution, as long as it is visible.
DHTML popup can be i.e. displayed with onLoad event, while the rest of the page continues to load.
- two versions: with OK and OK/Cancel buttons,
Hits: 7743
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
May 15, 2008 |
Window Move-To
Description: Use this code to automatically move a window to a specified X,Y coordinate. For example, you can automatically move a window to X0,Y0 (upper left). Great to use this in pages in your site you link to using target="_blank" (new window...,
Hits: 8585
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
February 15, 2008 |
"BYE" Popup - onUnload
Description: This script is designed to open a window when the users are leaving your site. For example, when they leave your site you can open a window that says thank you for visiting. When they say "BYE" you can say, "Not so fast!"
Hits: 6917
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
May 15, 2008 |
Javascript DHTML Fly-in Popup Window
Description: This javascript DHTML fly-in popup window is like those you`re seeing all over the web these days. You can`t use window.open() any more because of popup blockers. This script creates a virtually unblockable popup ad or newletter sign...,
Hits: 6935
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
May 15, 2008 |
Break Out Of Frames
Description: If you are worried about your web site opening in someone elses frames, this will "Break Out" of the frames!
Hits: 7814
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
March 15, 2008 |
Javascript open window
Description: Javascript open window sometimes is useful for adding a popup window to your pages. When the user clicks on a link, a new window opens and displays a page.
Hits: 7838
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
April 15, 2008 |
Creating Onclick Popup Windows
Description: This is three simple scripts to making popup windows.
- Simple popup window. How to make simple and specified popup window.
- Centered popup window. This code will automatically center new popup windows on the screen.
- Fullscreen...,
Hits: 8627
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
June 15, 2008 |
Hidden Popup Spawner
Description: Now you to can own the code that is used to power those annoying web sites that seems to open popup windows from nowhere! The primary reason we are giving this away is because other companies are actually charging for an easy piece o...,
Hits: 6478
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
February 15, 2008 |
mobox - friendly popup box with grayout bg
Description: Have you ever wondered how to create a friendly pop-up box without creating a pop-up window? well here it is:
mobox is a simple stylish box that appears on the top of a grayed out background.
There are three types of mobox:
Hits: 6438
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
January 15, 2008 |
psPopper :: Popup Window Controller
Description: A completely automated Popup Window Controller. You do not need to edit HTML pages and add JavaScript popup code any more. psPopper is designed to help you control popup windows from 2 different viewpoints. First, you can manage all ...,
Hits: 6492
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
June 15, 2008 |
Javascript DHTML Fade-in Popup Window
Description: This javascript DHTML fade-in popup (popin) window is like those you`re seeing all over the web these days. You can`t use window.open() any more because of popup blockers. This script creates a virtually unblockable popup ad or newle...,
Hits: 6777
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
June 15, 2008 |
Description: It can be used for context sensitive help, submittable forms and alerts. It can also be used in conjunction with AJAX to dynamically display item information or enter/validate/save form information without refreshing the whole web pa...,
Hits: 7509
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
January 15, 2008 |
DHTML Window widget
Description: This is a robust DHTML Window widget that replicates the look and functionality of a traditional pop-up window, minus the intrusiveness. Drag or resize the window widget on the page, minimize or close it, load a new page into it, or...,
Hits: 8816
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
January 15, 2008 |
Wednus Window
Description: Wednus Window is an unique DHTML Web-Application Windowing System on GPL. It shells your websites/web-applications with fully customizable DHTML window objects. User can change its skin, so it can goes well with any website layouts....,
Hits: 9136
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
April 15, 2008 |
Auto Window Resizer
Description: Use this code to automatically resize a window to a specified Width,Height. For example, you can automatically resize a window to 700,500.
Hits: 7722
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
June 15, 2008 |
Description: This script pops a DHTML div with an iframe with the given page. The popped window appears always in the center of the window/frame. But it`s draggable across the window/frame. All the layout can be done with a CSS style sheet.
Hits: 7604
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
June 15, 2008 |
Javascript Window System
Description: Using Javascript and PHP, we have been able to construct a virtual window environment(VWE). This VWE tries to simulate multiple browser windows inside of a single web page. This allows the visitor the ability to move and resize items...,
Hits: 6758
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
May 15, 2008 |
Accent JavaScript Web-Based Browser
Description: The Accent JavaScript browser is a complete, basic, fullscreen web-based browser implemented in a JavaScript script set, including the core controls (Location Box with Go button, and Home, Back, Stop, Forward, and Close Buttons). Cle...,
Hits: 8220
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
January 15, 2008 |
PopUp Window JavaScript Code Generator
Description: A fully functional PopUp Window Generator with all the usual customizable window features are included (infront/inback, size, position, method of opening, etc) along with full cookie function to control PopUp frequency. In addition t...,
Hits: 6985
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
May 15, 2008 |