Ajax Tutorials Articles developerworks
Description: Ajax resource center-IBM developerWorks
1500+ Articles Tutorials Examples
How to create more interactive Web apps with Ajax technologies
Achieve a complete Ajax-based application using less code. Learn how you can take advantage of the various PHP and Ajax frameworks and APIs to reduce the amount of code you need to write for your Web-based applications[...]...,
Hits: 12402
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
September 6, 2008 |
Description: If you're running MySQL 4.1 or later you can use the nifty function GROUP_CONCAT() together with the normal CONCAT() function to build all your JSON straight from your SQL query. ...,
Hits: 11325
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
August 30, 2008 |
Prototype-based email application
Description: Prototype facilitates working with XML HTTP request objects via its proprietary AJAX.Updater class (among others, by the way). This class can be used in conjunction with a few intuitive parameters for more than just fetching files that are located on the server in the background. It can also be used for receiving the respective response, either as plain text or formatted as XML.
Therefore, over the course of this three-part series, I'm going to show you how to develop a highly expansible SMTP client application for sending email by using the "AJAX.Updater" class that was mentioned above. ...,
Hits: 9468
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
August 29, 2008 |
Easy Grid
Description: This package can be used to display and data grids using AJAX.
It uses Yahoo User interface library Javascript classes to perform AJAX requests.
A Javascript script calls Yahoo UI libraries to load the data for the table from...,
Hits: 7784
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
Implementing AJAX Using ASP.NET 1.1
Description: AJAX is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX gains its popularity by allowing data on a page to be dynamically updated without having to make the browser reload the page.
Hits: 5696
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
Delayed content loading
Description: Additional content, or decorations, can be loaded after the basic content is displayed by "including" an external file with an AJAX call.
Attaching the additional content loading to a window.onload event, lets visitor start the basic content sooner. Inserting HTML from another file, makes separating the markup easy and accessible for a designer.
Hits: 5866
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 21, 2008 |
How to Create CAPTCHA Protection using PHP and AJAX
Description: CAPTCHA is a simple test to determine if a user is a computer or a human. It is used to prevent spam abuse on the websites. So if you use CAPTCHA on your web site forms, this can help in stopping some bots and making life harder for ...,
Hits: 5746
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
Making a Google Suggest-like application
Description: Ever wanted to make your own "live" advanced search that gives you suggestions as you type. This tutorial will show you how to make one just like Google`s new "Suggest" search feature.
Hits: 5661
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
Ajax Tutorial with Prototype
Description: This is an example of a good use of Ajax, and at the same time keeps it simple. It is a zip code verifier. As soon as the person enters the zip code it makes a request to the server to see if the zip code is in the database, and retu...,
Hits: 5669
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
Better File Uploads with AJAX and JavaServer Faces
Description: In this article, we will take fresh approach and implement an AJAX-powered component that will not only upload the file to server, but also monitor the actual progress of a file upload request in "real time."
Hits: 10898
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
August 29, 2008 |
AJAX WebMail Tutorial
Description: In this article, the first of three parts, you will start creating a simple web-based POP 3 client using AJAX, which will use "XMLHttpRequest" objects to retrieve messages from a mail server.
Hits: 5819
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
Create a searchable Google map
Description: The GSmapSearchControl Solution is a simple to use application of the Google AJAX Search API that is designed to let you easily add a searchable map to your pages, sites and blogs. The rest of this page discusses this topic in detail...,
Hits: 5835
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
Building Tabbed Content
Description: In this workshop, you`ll be building a tabbed content browser that`s Ajax powered. Whenever a user clicks a tab the script will communicate with the server and send back the appropriate data for that tab.
Hits: 5977
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
AJAX: Building a Chat
Description: This tutorial is teaches how to build a Live Chat for WebSite
Hits: 5950
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
Building "drag and drop" shopping cart with Ajax
Description: For this article, we`ll create an interactive shopping experience allowing us to add items to our shopping basket by dragging and dropping them onto an icon of a shopping cart. We`ll add AJAX functionality, allowing us to update our ...,
Hits: 5674
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
AJAX sorting with Script.aculo.us
Description: Prototype
Script.aculo.us lets create sortable lists which can be synchronized with the back-end with AJAX.
Extensive JavaScript library; DOM manipulation, AJAX etc.
Builds upon Prototype and provides animation, drag-and-drop, DOM manipulation and effects...,
Hits: 5619
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 21, 2008 |
Rich Ajax slide shows with DHTML and XML
Description: Personal image-management applications such as Apple® iPhoto® on the Macintosh® have popularized the slide show view. In a slide show, the images appear in a timed sequence, with images fading in and out. In addition, the images are moved and zoomed in what has become known as the "Ken Burns Effect."
In this example, I have the browser download a list of images from the server. Then, I use that list of images to compose a slide show using Dynamic HTML (DHTML). I animate the images with random slow moves, zooms, and fades to give a pleasing version of the Ken Burns Effect without having to download Macromedia® Flash or any other heavyweight animation tools....,
Hits: 9409
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 21, 2008 |
CAPTCHA validation using PHP and Ajax
Description: CAPTCHA has become a popular means of securing forms against automated submission, by requiring users to enter a string displayed in an automatically generated image.
This implementation uses Ajax to conveniently combine CAPTCHA int...,
Hits: 6391
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |
Integrate Google Calendar in your website using AJAX
Description: This tutorial will guide you how to integrate `Google Calendar` in your website using AJAX
Hits: 5559
Free Version: n/a Platform(s): All Updated:
July 16, 2008 |