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This script consists of two parts. The first concerning the "puzzlecenter" allows you to let your visitors choose among any number of pics, and pieces to puzzle with (columns&rows). It includes the ability to finish puzzle automatically by using the "need help?" link. The script sets each activated (while draggin) piece to 50% transparency, and the same goes for the puzzlecenter which is draggable to by pressing the mouse over the upper field "PuzzleCenter." Taking out the "puzzlecenter," you can display one pic with a fixed amount of columns and rows. Again, only one pic is needed (it is divided into pieces by the script), and you can optionally use another pic as background.

Free   Version: n/a   Platform(s): All   Updated:  May 15, 2008

Developer:Andreas Berger Demo Download  
Rated by: 2 user(s)  
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