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NIST Web Metrics Testbed

The objective of the NIST Web Metrics Testbed is to explore the feasibility of a range of tools and techniques that support rapid, remote, and automated testing and evaluation of website usability. There are currently six components: 1. Web Static Analyzer Tool (WebSAT): checks web page HTML against typical usability guidelines. 2. Web Category Analysis Tool (WebCAT): lets the usability engineer construct and conduct a web category analysis (card-sorting). 3. Web Variable Instrumenter Program (WebVIP): instruments a website to capture a log of user interaction. 4. Framework for Logging Usability Data (FLUD): a file format and parser for representation of user interaction logs (such as those captured by WebVIP). 5. VisVIP Tool: produces a 3D visualization of user navigation paths through a website, based on FLUD data. 6. TreeDec: adds navigation aids to the pages of a website.

Free   Version: n/a   Platform(s): All   Updated:  August 24, 2008

Developer:John Cugini Demo Download  
Rated by: 1 user(s)  
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