Array Binding and PL/SQL Bulk Processing : Oracle : Databases PHP Source Code

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Array Binding and PL/SQL Bulk Processing

PHP 5.1.2 improved collection support with a new function oci_bind_array_by_name().
Coupled with a helper PL/SQL function, this can be very efficient for insertion. We can bind
a PHP array containing all data and send it to the database with a single oci_execute().
This example creates a PL/SQL package with two procedures. The first, myinsproc(), will
be passed a PHP array to insert. It uses Oracle’s “bulk” FORALL statement for fast insertion.
The second procedure, myselproc(), selects from the table using the BULK COLLECT clause
and returns the array as the OUT parameter p_arr. The p_count parameter is used to make
sure PL/SQL does not try to return more values than the PHP array can handle.
SQL> drop table mytab;
SQL> create table mytab(name varchar2(20));
SQL> create or replace package mypkg as
2       type arrtype is table of varchar2(20) index by pls_integer;
3       procedure myinsproc(p_arr in arrtype);
4       procedure myselproc(p_arr out arrtype, p_count in number);
5 end mypkg;
6 /
SQL> create or replace package body mypkg as
2          procedure myinsproc(p_arr in arrtype) is
3        begin
4     forall i in indices of p_arr
5      insert into mytab values (p_arr(i));
6       end myinsproc;
7       procedure myselproc(p_arr out arrtype, p_count in number) is
8       begin
9 select name bulk collect
10     into p_arr
11     from mytab
12     where rownum <= p_count;
13     end myselproc;
14  end mypkg;
15 /
To insert a PHP array into mytab, use:
$a = array('abc''def''ghi''jkl');
$s oci_parse($c"begin mypkg.myinsproc(:p1); end;");
oci_bind_array_by_name($s":p1"$acount($a), -1SQLT_CHR);

To query the table in PHP, the myselproc() function can be called. The number of elements
$numelems to be fetched is passed into myselproc() by being bound to :n. This limits the
query to return $numelems rows. The value is also used in the
oci_bind_array_by_name() call so the output array $r is correctly sized to accept that
number of rows back. The value 20 is the width of the database column. Any lower value
could result in shorter strings being returned to PHP.
$numelems 4;
$s oci_parse($c"begin mypkg.myselproc(:p1, :n); end;");
var_dump($r); // print the array

A number of other Oracle types can be bound with oci_array_bind_by_name(), for
example SQLT_FLT for floating point numbers.

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