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PHP : Installation and Configuration : Installation of PECL extensions : PECL for Windows users

PECL for Windows users

As with any other PHP extension DLL, installation is as simple as copying the PECL extension DLLs into the extension_dir folder and loading them from php.ini. For example, add the following line to your php.ini:


After doing this, restart the web service.

Code Examples / Notes »


When using PHP 5.2.0 within WinXP via Wampserver ( ) you will find that just simply adding a PECL-based DLL file into php.ini is not enough.  Steps you will have to do to ensure that your PECL extension(s) will be recognized are as follows:
1) Have the DLL referenced within PHP's php.ini ("extension=[php_name-of-PECL-extension].dll")
2) Have the DLL referenced within Windows' php.ini
3) Have the DLL within wampserver.ini
If any of these steps are not included, alongside the obvious web services restart, then PECL is not recognized.

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Introduction to PECL Installations
Downloading PECL extensions
PECL for Windows users
Compiling shared PECL extensions with the pecl command
Compiling shared PECL extensions with phpize
Compiling PECL extensions statically into PHP
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