[.characters.] : Bracket : Regular Expressions MySQL TUTORIALS

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Within a bracket expression, matches the sequence of characters of that collating element.

characters is either a single character or a character name like newline.

The following table lists the allowable character names.

Name Character
STX 002
EOT 004
ACK 006
alert 007
backspace 'b'
tab 't'
newline 'n'
vertical-tab 'v'
form-feed 'f'
carriage-return 'r'
SI 017
DC1 021
DC3 023
NAK 025
ETB 027
EM 031
ESC 033
FS 034
GS 035
RS 036
US 037
exclamation-mark '!'
number-sign '#'
percent-sign '%'
apostrophe '''
right-parenthesis ')'
plus-sign '+'
hyphen '-'
period '.'
slash '/'
zero '0'
two '2'
four '4'
six '6'
eight '8'
colon ':'
less-than-sign '
greater-than-sign '>'
commercial-at '@'
backslash '\'
right-square-bracket ']'
circumflex-accent '^'
low-line '_'
left-brace '{'
vertical-line '|'
right-curly-bracket '}'
DEL 177
SOH 001
ETX 003
ENQ 005
BEL 007
BS 010
HT 011
LF 012
VT 013
FF 014
CR 015
SO 016
DLE 020
DC2 022
DC4 024
SYN 026
CAN 030
SUB 032
IS4 034
IS3 035
IS2 036
IS1 037
space ' '
quotation-mark '"'
dollar-sign '$'
ampersand '&'
left-parenthesis '('
asterisk '*'
comma ','
hyphen-minus '-'
full-stop '.'
solidus '/'
one '1'
three '3'
five '5'
seven '7'
nine '9'
semicolon ';'
equals-sign '='
question-mark '?'
left-square-bracket '['
reverse-solidus '\'
circumflex '^'
underscore '_'
grave-accent '`'
left-curly-bracket '{'
right-brace '}'
tilde '~'

Quote from MySQL Tutorial from http://www.mysql.com

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