Intersect Operator : Intersect : LINQ C# Source Code

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Intersect Operator


using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class MainClass {
    public static void Main() {
        string[] presidents = {"G", "H", "a", "H", "over", "Jack"};
        IEnumerable<string> first = presidents.Take(5);
        IEnumerable<string> second = presidents.Skip(4);
        IEnumerable<string> intersect = first.Intersect(second);

        Console.WriteLine("The count of the array is: " + presidents.Count());
        Console.WriteLine("The count of the first sequence is: " + first.Count());
        Console.WriteLine("The count of the second sequence is: " + second.Count());
        Console.WriteLine("The count of the intersect sequence is: " + intersect.Count());
        foreach (string name in intersect)


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» Intersect