The Stream Classes : Stream : File Directory Stream C# Examples

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The Stream Classes

System.IO.Stream represents a byte stream
System.IO.Stream is a base class for all other stream classes.
System.IO.Stream is abstract.

Some of the Methods Defined by Stream


void Close()
Closes the stream.

void Flush()
Flush the stream.

int ReadByte()
Returns an integer representation of a byte of input. Returns -1 if no byte is available.

int Read(byte[ ] buf,int offset, int numBytes)
Attempts to read up to numBytes bytes into buf starting at buf[offset], returning the number of bytes successfully read.

long Seek(long offset,SeekOrigin origin)
Sets the current position in the stream to the specified offset from the specified origin.

void WriteByte(byte b)
Writes a single byte to an output stream.

void Write(byte[ ] buf,int offset, int numBytes)
Writes a subrange of numBytes bytes from the array buf, beginning at buf[offset].

The Properties Defined by Stream


bool CanRead
can be read or not. (read-only)

bool CanSeek
supports position requests or not. (read-only)

bool CanWrite
can be written or not. (read-only)

long Length
the length of the stream. (read-only)

long Position
the current position of the stream. (read/write)

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