Method parameter hides the class member field : Method Parameter : Class C# Examples

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Method parameter hides the class member field

public  class  Product  {

        public  int  yearBuilt;
        public  double  maximumSpeed;

        public  int  Age(int  currentYear)  {
                int  maximumSpeed  =  100;    //  hides  the  field
                System.Console.WriteLine("In  Age():  maximumSpeed  =  "  +  maximumSpeed);
                int  age  =  currentYear  -  yearBuilt;
                return  age;

        public  double  Distance(double  initialSpeed,  double  time)  {
                System.Console.WriteLine("In  Distance():  maximumSpeed  =  "  +  maximumSpeed);
                return  (initialSpeed  +  maximumSpeed)  /  2  *  time;


class  MainClass{

        public  static  void  Main()  {
                Product  redPorsche  =  new  Product();
                redPorsche.yearBuilt  =  2000;
                redPorsche.maximumSpeed  =  150;

                int  age  =  redPorsche.Age(2001);
                System.Console.WriteLine("redPorsche  is  "  +  age  +  "  year  old.");
                System.Console.WriteLine("redPorsche  travels  "  +  redPorsche.Distance(31,  .25)  +  "  miles.");


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» Method Parameter