Match words that contain two consecutive identical characters : Regex Match : Regular Expression C# Examples

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Match words that contain two consecutive identical characters

using  System;
using  System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class  MainClass  {

    private  static  void  DisplayMatches(string  text,string  regularExpressionString)  {
        Console.WriteLine("using  the  following  regular  expression:  "  +regularExpressionString);
        MatchCollection  myMatchCollection  =  Regex.Matches(text,  regularExpressionString);
        foreach  (Match  myMatch  in  myMatchCollection)  {

    public  static  void  Main()  {
        string  text  ="Missisipli  Kerrisdale  she";
        Console.WriteLine("Matching  words  that  that  contain  two  consecutive  identical  characters");
        DisplayMatches(text,  @"\S*(.)\1\S*");


Matching words that that contain two consecutive identical characters
using the following regular expression: \S*(.)\1\S*

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