Invoke method with parameter type int : Parameter : Reflection C# Examples

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Invoke method with parameter type int

using  System;  
using  System.Reflection;  
class  MyClass  {  
    public  MyClass(int  i)  {  
        Console.WriteLine("Constructing  MyClass(int).  ");  
    public  MyClass(int  i,  int  j)  {  
        Console.WriteLine("Constructing  MyClass(int,  int).  ");  
    public  int  sum()  {  
        return  0;  
    public  bool  isBetween(int  i)  {  
        return  false;  
    public  void  set(int  a,  int  b)  {  
        Console.Write("Inside  set(int,  int).  ");  
    public  void  set(double  a,  double  b)  {  
        Console.Write("Inside  set(double,  double).  ");  
    public  void  show()  {  
class  MainClass  {  
    public  static  void  Main()  {  
        Type  t  =  typeof(MyClass);  
        int  x;  

        //  Find  matching  constructor.  
        ConstructorInfo[]  ci  =  t.GetConstructors();  
        for(x=0;  x  <  ci.Length;  x++)  {  
            ParameterInfo[]  pi  =    ci[x].GetParameters();  
            if(pi.Length  ==  2)  break;  
        if(x  ==  ci.Length)  {  
            Console.WriteLine("No  matching  constructor  found.");  
            Console.WriteLine("Two-parameter  constructor  found.\n");  

        //  Construct  the  object.      
        object[]  consargs  =  new  object[2];  
        consargs[0]  =  10;  
        consargs[1]  =  20;  
        object  reflectOb  =  ci[x].Invoke(consargs);    


Two-parameter constructor found.

Constructing MyClass(int, int).

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