Inherited Form : Form : GUI Windows Forms C# Examples

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Inherited Form

using  System;
using  System.Drawing;
using  System.Windows.Forms;

public  class  BaseForm  :  System.Windows.Forms.Form
    private  Button  btnClose;
    private  Button  btnApp;
    protected  Label  lbl;

    public  BaseForm()
        btnClose  =  new  Button();
        btnClose.Location  =  new  Point(25,100);
        btnClose.Size  =  new  Size(100,25);
        btnClose.Text  =  "&Close";
        btnClose.Click  +=  new  System.EventHandler(btnClose_Click);

        btnApp  =  new  Button();
        btnApp.Location  =  new  Point(200,100);
        btnApp.Size  =  new  Size(150,25);
        btnApp.Text  =  "&Base  Application";
        btnApp.Click  +=  new  System.EventHandler(btnApp_Click);

        lbl  =  new  Label();
        lbl.Location  =  new  Point(25,25);
        lbl.Size  =  new  Size(100,25);
        lbl.Text  =  "This  label  on  BaseForm";

        Controls.AddRange(new  Control[]{lbl,  btnClose,  btnApp});

    static  void  Main()  
        Application.Run(new  BaseForm());

    private  void  btnClose_Click(object  sender,  EventArgs  e)

    private  void  btnApp_Click(object  sender,  EventArgs  e)
        MessageBox.Show("This  is  the  Base  application.");

    protected  virtual  void  SomeMethod()
        MessageBox.Show("This  is  SomeMethod  called  from  BaseForm.");

public  class  InheritedForm  :  BaseForm
    private  Button  btn;

    public  InheritedForm()
        btn  =  new  Button();
        btn.Location  =  new  Point(25,150);
        btn.Size  =  new  Size(125,25);
        btn.Text  =  "C&lose  on  Inherited";
        btn.Click  +=  new  System.EventHandler(btn_Click);


        lbl.Text  =  "Now  from  InheritedForm";
        BackColor  =  Color.LightBlue;

    static  void  Main()  
        Application.Run(new  InheritedForm());

    private  void  btn_Click(object  sender,  EventArgs  e)

    protected  override  void  SomeMethod()
        MessageBox.Show("This  is  the  overridden  SomeMethod  called  "  +  
                                        "from  InheritedForm.");

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