Generate the hash code of the file's contents : SHA1Managed : Security C# Examples

C# Examples » Security » SHA1Managed »


Generate the hash code of the file's contents

using  System;
using  System.IO;
using  System.Security.Cryptography;

class  MainClass
        public  static  void  Main(string[]  args)
                using  (HashAlgorithm  hashAlg  =  new  SHA1Managed())
                        using  (Stream  file  =  new  FileStream("C:\\test.txt",  FileMode.Open,  FileAccess.Read))
                                byte[]  hash  =  hashAlg.ComputeHash(file);

                                //  Display  the  hash  code  of  the  file  to  the  console.

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 Navioo Security
» SHA1Managed