Generate an index out-of-bounds exception : Predefined Exception : Language Basics C# Examples

C# Examples » Language Basics » Predefined Exception »


Generate an index out-of-bounds exception

using  System;  
class  MainClass  {  
    public  static  void  Main()  {  
        int[]  nums  =  new  int[4];  
        try  {  
            Console.WriteLine("Before  exception  is  generated.");  
            //  Generate  an  index  out-of-bounds  exception.  
            for(int  i=0;  i  <  10;  i++)  {  
                nums[i]  =  i;  
                Console.WriteLine("nums[{0}]:  {1}",  i,  nums[i]);  
            Console.WriteLine("this  won't  be  displayed");  
        catch  (IndexOutOfRangeException)  {  
            //  catch  the  exception  
            Console.WriteLine("Index  out-of-bounds!");  
        Console.WriteLine("After  catch  statement.");  


Before exception is generated.
nums[0]: 0
nums[1]: 1
nums[2]: 2
nums[3]: 3
Index out-of-bounds!
After catch statement.

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 Navioo Language Basics
» Predefined Exception