Draw along with the Tab : Graphics : Drawing 2D C# Examples

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Draw along with the Tab

using  System;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.Data;
using  System.Drawing;
using  System.Text;
using  System.Windows.Forms;

public  class  Form1  :  Form  {

        protected  override  void  OnPaint(PaintEventArgs  e)  {
        Graphics  g  =  e.Graphics;
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White,  this.ClientRectangle);
        Font  f  =  new  Font("Times  New  Roman",  12);
        Font  bf  =  new  Font(f,  FontStyle.Bold);
        StringFormat  sf  =  new  StringFormat();
        float[]  ts  =  {  10.0f,  70.0f,  100.0f,  90.0f  };
        sf.SetTabStops(0.0f,  ts);

        string  s1  =  "\tA\tAA\tAAA\tAAAA";
        string  s2  =  "\tAAAA\tAAA\tAA\tA";
        string  s3  =  "\tAAAAAAAA\tAAAAAAA\tAAAAAA\tAAAAA\n\tAAAA\tAAA\tAA\tAA";

        g.DrawString(s1,  bf,  Brushes.Black,  20,  20,  sf);
        g.DrawString(s2,  f,  Brushes.Blue,  20,  20  +  bf.Height,  sf);
        g.DrawString(s3,  f,  Brushes.Blue,  20,
                                            20  +  bf.Height  +  f.Height,  sf);

        public  static  void  Main()  {
                Application.Run(new  Form1());

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 Navioo Drawing 2D
» Graphics