Commonly used methods defined by Type : Type : Reflection C# Examples

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Commonly used methods defined by Type


ConstructorInfo[ ] GetConstructors()
Obtains a list of the constructors.

EventInfo[ ] GetEvents()
Obtains a list of events.

FieldInfo[ ] GetFields()
Obtains a list of the fields.

MemberInfo[ ] GetMembers()
Obtains a list of the members.

MethodInfo[ ] GetMethods()
Obtains a list of methods.

PropertyInfo[ ] GetProperties()
Obtains a list of properties.

Here are several commonly used, read-only properties defined by Type:


Assembly Assembly
Obtains the assembly.

TypeAttributes Attributes
Obtains the attributes.

Type BaseType
Obtains the immediate base type.

string FullName
Obtains the complete name.

bool IsAbstract
Is abstract.

bool isArray
Is an array.

bool IsClass
Is a class.

bool IsEnum
Is an enumeration.

string Namespace
Obtains the namespace.

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