A two dimensional array of objects : Array object : Data Structure C# Examples

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A two dimensional array of objects

using  System;

public  class  Employee
    public  string  name;
    public  int  no;

    public  Employee(string  name,int  no)
        this.name  =  name;
        this.no  =  no;

class  MainClass

    public  static  void  Main()
        Employee[,,]  empArray  =  new  Employee[10,  5,  3];

        empArray[1,  3,  2]  =  new  Employee("S",  3);
        empArray[4,  1,  2]  =  new  Employee("A",  9);

        Console.WriteLine("empArray.Rank  (number  of  dimensions)  =  "  +  empArray.Rank);
        Console.WriteLine("empArray.Length  (number  of  elements)  =  "  +  empArray.Length);

        for  (int  x  =  0;  x  <  empArray.GetLength(0);  x++)
            for  (int  y  =  0;  y  <  empArray.GetLength(1);  y++)
                for  (int  z  =  0;  z  <  empArray.GetLength(2);  z++)
                    if  (empArray[x,  y,  z]  !=  null)
                        Console.WriteLine("empArray["  +  x  +  ",  "  +  y  +  ",  "  +  z  +"].name  =  "  +  empArray[x,  y,  z].name);
                        Console.WriteLine("empArray["  +  x  +  ",  "  +  y  +  ",  "  +  z  +"].no  =  "  +  empArray[x,  y,  z].no);




empArray.Rank (number of dimensions) = 3
empArray.Length (number of elements) = 150
empArray[1, 3, 2].name = S
empArray[1, 3, 2].no = 3
empArray[4, 1, 2].name = A
empArray[4, 1, 2].no = 9

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» Array object