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PHP : Appendices : List of Supported Socket Transports : Unix Domain: Unix and UDG

Unix Domain: Unix and UDG

unix:// since PHP 3, udg:// since PHP 5

  • unix:///tmp/mysock
  • udg:///tmp/mysock

unix:// provides access to a socket stream connection in the Unix domain. udg:// provides an alternate transport to a Unix domain socket using the user datagram protocol.

Unix domain sockets, unlike Internet domain sockets, do not expect a port number. In the case of fsockopen() the portno parameter should be set to 0.

Code Examples / Notes » transports.unix

matthew fortune

It appears that fsockopen prior to php5 did not need the unix:// qualifier when opening a unix domain socket:
php4: fsockopen("/tmp/mysocket"......);
php5: fsockopen("unix:///tmp/mysocket"......);
This caught me out when upgrading.

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