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PHP : Language Reference : Classes and Objects (PHP 5) : Object Interfaces

Object Interfaces

Object interfaces allow you to create code which specifies which methods a class must implement, without having to define how these methods are handled.

Interfaces are defined using the interface keyword, in the same way as a standard class, but without any of the methods having their contents defined.

All methods declared in an interface must be public, this is the nature of an interface.


To implement an interface, the implements operator is used. All methods in the interface must be implemented within a class; failure to do so will result in a fatal error. Classes may implement more than one interface if desired by separating each interface with a comma.


A class cannot implement two interfaces that share function names, since it would cause ambiguity.


Example 10.19. Interface example

// Declare the interface 'iTemplate'
interface iTemplate
   public function
setVariable($name, $var);
   public function

// Implement the interface
// This will work
class Template implements iTemplate
$vars = array();
   public function
setVariable($name, $var)
$this->vars[$name] = $var;
   public function
$this->vars as $name => $value) {
$template = str_replace('{' . $name . '}', $value, $template);


// This will not work
// Fatal error: Class BadTemplate contains 1 abstract methods
// and must therefore be declared abstract (iTemplate::getHtml)
class BadTemplate implements iTemplate
$vars = array();
   public function
setVariable($name, $var)
$this->vars[$name] = $var;


See also the instanceof operator.

Code Examples / Notes » language.oop5.interfaces


You can have a class implementing two or more interfaces, just seperate them with a coma:
interface i_one {
public one();
interface i_two {
public two();
class oneANDtwo implements i_one, i_two {
public one() {}
public two() {}
Of course all implemented interfaces will be tested, so one needs to have one() and two() in their class to avoid errors.

russ dot collier

You can also specify class constants in interfaces as well (similar to specifying 'public static final' fields in Java interfaces):
interface FooBar
   const SOME_CONSTANT = 'I am an interface constant';
   public function doStuff();
Then you can access the constant by referring to the interface name, or an implementing class, (again similar to Java) e.g.:
class Baz implements FooBar
print FooBar::SOME_CONSTANT;
Both of the last print statements will output the same thing: the value of FooBar::SOME_CONSTANT

erik dot zoltan

When should you use interfaces?  What are they good for?
Here are two examples.  
1. Interfaces are an excellent way to implement reusability.  
You can create a general interface for a number of situations
(such as a save to/load from disk interface.)  You can then
implement the interface in a variety of different ways (e.g. for
formats such as tab delimited ASCII, XML and a database.)  
You can write code that asks the object to "save itself to
disk" without having to worry what that means for the object
in question.  One object might save itself to the database,
another to an XML and you can change this behavior over
time without having to rewrite the calling code.  
This allows you to write reusable calling code that can work
for any number of different objects -- you don't need to know
what kind of object it is, as long as it obeys the common
2. Interfaces can also promote gradual evolution.  On a
recent project I had some very complicated work to do and I
didn't know how to implement it.  I could think of a "basic"
implementation but I knew I would have to change it later.  
So I created interfaces in each of these cases, and created
at least one "basic" implementation of the interface that
was "good enough for now" even though I knew it would have
to change later.  
When I came back to make the changes, I was able to create
some new implementations of these interfaces that added the
extra features I needed.  Some of my classes still used
the "basic" implementations, but others needed the
specialized ones.  I was able to add the new features to the
objects themselves without rewriting the calling code in most
cases.  It was easy to evolve my code in this way because
the changes were mostly isolated -- they didn't spread all
over the place like you might expect.


What is not mentioned in the manual is that you can use "self" to force object hinting on a method of the implementing class:
Consider the following interface:
interface Comparable
{function compare(self $compare);}
Which is then implemented:
class String implements Comparable
private $string;
function __construct($string)
{$this->string = $string;}
function compare(self $compare)
{return $this->string == $compare->string;}
class Integer implements Comparable
private $integer;
function __construct($int)
{$this->integer = $int;}
function compare(self $compare)
{return $this->integer == $compare->integer;}
Comparing Integer with String will result in a fatal error, as it is not an instance of the same class:
$first_int = new Integer(3);
$second_int = new Integer(3);
$first_string = new String("foo");
$second_string = new String("bar");
var_dump($first_int->compare($second_int)); // bool(true)
var_dump($first_string->compare($second_string)); // bool(false)
var_dump($first_string->compare($second_int)); // Fatal Error


vbolshov at rbc dot ru:
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
interface i {
      function f($arg);
class c implements i {
      function f($arg, $arg2 = null)
> PHP doesn't generate a Fatal Error in this case, although
> the method declaration in the class differs from that in the
> interface. This situation doesn't seem good to me: I'd
> prefer classes being strictly bound to their interfaces.
It wouldn't make sense to prevent this as you can *always* pass more arguments to a function than it requires, and the function can still use func_get_args() & co. to get them if it wants. e.g.
class c implements i {
      function f($arg)
             $args2 = (func_num_args() >= 2 ? func_get_arg(2) : null);


To two notes below: There is one situation where classes and interfaces can be used interchangeably. In function definitions you can define parameter types to be classes or interfaces. If this was not so then there would not be much use for interfaces at all.


to clarify (rather than just claim i think its a limitation) consider client code for
the abstract class FifthInterface.
Said client code must extend FifthInterface, thus using the only extension
available to that class.
really, i suppose it doesnt matter so much if we consider the client code could
just implement FirstInterface and SecondInterface itself.  Then, if there was a
interface FifthInterface {
   public function fifthInterface();
the client class could just implement that as well.
I guess I just think interface inheritence affords cleaner designs.


The statement, that you have to implement _all_ methods of an interface has not to be taken that seriously, at least if you declare an abstract class and want to force the inheriting subclasses to implement the interface.
Just leave out all methods that should be implemented by the subclasses. But never write something like this:
interface Foo {
     function bar();
abstract class FooBar implements Foo {
      abstract function bar(); // just for making clear, that this
                                // method has to be implemented
This will end up with the following error-message:
Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function Foo::bar() (previously declared abstract in FooBar) in path/to/file on line anylinenumber

grigori kochanov

The engine does not recognise the class that implements an interface as declared in the code written before the class declaration is placed.
This means that you can't place the declaration of a classes that implements an interfaces in the code beneath the creation of an instance.
Tony2001 said this is an expected behaviour of Zend engine.
Back to PHP 3 ;-)
//you don't write $obj = new validatorCheck() here
class validatorCheck implements ArrayAccess {
function offsetGet($key){}
function offsetSet($key, $value) {}
function offsetUnset($key) {}
function offsetExists($offset) {}
//class end
//an instance can be created only here


Regarding the example by cyrille.berliat:
This is not a problem and is consistent with other languages.  You'd just want to use inheritance like so:
class AbstractClass {
  public function __ToString ( ) { return 'Here I am'; }
class DescendantClass extends AbstractClass {}
interface MyInterface {
  public function Hello ( AbstractClass $obj );
class MyClassOne implements MyInterface {
  public function Hello ( AbstractClass $obj ) {
      echo $obj;
} // Will work as Interface Satisfied
$myDC = new DescendantClass() ;
MyClassOne::Hello( $myDC ) ;


Regarding my previous note (04-Jul-2007 9:01):
I noticed a minor but critical mistake in my explanation. After the link to the PHP manual page on class abstraction, I stated:
"So by definition, you may only overload non-abstract methods."
This is incorrect. This should read:
"So by definition, you may only override non-abstract methods."
Sorry for any confusion.


Please note that the sentence "Note: A class cannot implement two interfaces that share function names, since it would cause ambiguity." _really_ means that it is not possible to do something like:
interface IA {
   public function a();
interface IB {
   public function a();
class Test implements IA, IB {
   public  function a() {
       echo "a";
$o = new Test();
lead to:
PHP Fatal error:  Can't inherit abstract function IB::a() (previously declared abstract in IA)
It's important to note this because it is very unexpected behavior and renders many common Interface completly useless.


on the post below:
An interface is in fact the same like an abstract class containing abstract methods, that's why interfaces share the same namespace as classes and why therefore "real" classes cannot have the same name as interfaces.

hayley watson

On an incidental note, it is not necessary for the implementation of an interface method to use the same variable names for its parameters that were used in the interface declaration.
More significantly, your interface method declarations can include default argument values. If you do, you must specify their implementations with default arguments, too. Just like the parameter names, the default argument values do not need to be the same. In fact, there doesn't seem to be any functionality to the one in the interface declaration at all beyond the fact that it is there.
interface isStuffed {
   public function getStuff($something=17);
class oof implements isStuffed {
   public function getStuff($a=42) {
return $a;
$oof = new oof;
echo $oof->getStuff();
Implementations that try to declare the method as getStuff(), getStuff($a), or getStuff($a,$b) will all trigger a fatal error.


Note that you can extend interfaces with other interfaces since under-the-hood they are just abstract classes:
interface Foo {
public function doFoo();
interface Bar extends Foo {
public function doBar();
class Zip implements Bar {
public function doFoo() {
echo "Foo";
public function doBar() {
echo "Bar";
$zip = new Zip();
This is quite useful when you're using interfaces for identity more than the rigidity it places upon an API.  You can get the same result by implementing multiple interfaces.
An example of where I've used this in the past is with EventListener objects ala Java's Swing UI.  Some listeners are effectively the same thing but happen at different times therefore we can keep the same API but change the naming for clarity.


Maybe this is a bit like cyrille.berliat's problem plus a somewhat solution.
Let's say we want to create a queue class (or a stack, or a double
linked list, the usual... :-).
Wouldn't it be nice if we could define a generic interface or abstract (base) class that dictates the way specific queues have to look like ?
Without having to specify the type of data to be queued.
But we _do_ want to be strict about the type of data to be passed to a specific queue type.
In other words: a bit of generic programming.
Alas, it seems that Type Hinting and Interface/abstract don't get along :(
But there might be a more runtime-involved solution. See below.
So, this won't work:
abstract class Object {} // as PHP(5) doesn't have a super-Object-base-class
class Cdata extends Object { } // i.e. Cdata IS-A Object
interface Iqueue {
 public function enqueue(Object $data);
class Cmyqueue implements Iqueue {
public function enqueue(Cdata $data) { }
$q = new Cmyqueue;
$data = new Cdata;
Nor will this 'compile':
abstract class Object {}
class Cdata extends Object {}
abstract class Iqueue extends Object {
 abstract public function enqueue(Object $data);
class Cmyqueue extends Iqueue {
public function enqueue(Cdata $data) { }
$q = new Cmyqueue;
$data = new Cdata;
This however is possible:
abstract class Object {}
class Cdata extends Object
function __toString() { return('data'); }
abstract class Iqueue extends Object {
 abstract public function enqueue(Object $data);
class Cmyqueue extends Iqueue {
public function enqueue(Object $data)
{ echo "enqueue '".$data->__toString()."'\n"; }
interface Iqueue {
 public function enqueue(Object $data);
class Cmyqueue implements Iqueue {
We could do our special Cmyqueue specific pre-processing before enqueu()ing.
But the compiler won't warn us if we pass anything other than the
object we expect to be passed.
We'd have to do something runtime like this:
class Cmyqueue extends Iqueue {
private function checkObjectType(Object &$obj)
  if (get_class($obj) !== 'Cdata')
    throw new Exception("You can only pass CData's to Cmyqueue");
public function enqueue(Object $data)
 echo "enqueue '".$data->__toString()."'\n";
hope this clears up some...


interfaces support multiple inheritance
interface SQL_Result extends SeekableIterator, Countable
   // new stuff
abstract class SQL_Result_Common
   // just because that's what one would do in reality, generic implementation
class SQL_Result_mysql extends SQL_Result_Common implements SQL_Result
  // actual implementation
This code raises a fatal error because SQL_Result_mysql doesn't implement the abstract methods of SeekableIterator (6) + Countable (1)

cyrille.berliat no spam

Interfaces and Type Hinting can be used but not with Inherintance in the same time :
class AbstractClass
   public function __ToString ( ) { return 'Here I\'m I'; }
class DescendantClass extends AbstractClass
interface MyI
   public function Hello ( AbstractClass $obj );
class MyClassOne implements MyI
   public function Hello ( AbstractClass $obj )
       echo $obj;
} // Will work as Interface Satisfied
class MyClassTwo implements MyI
   public function Hello ( DescendantClass $obj )
       echo $obj;
} // Will output a fatal error because Interfaces don't support Inherintance in TypeHinting
//Fatal error: Declaration of MyClassTwo::hello() must be compatible with that of MyI::hello()
Something a little bit bad in PHP 5.0.4 :)

nrg1981 {at} hotmail {dot} com

In case you would want to, a child class can implement an interface:
interface water
   public function makeItWet();
class weather
   public function start()
       return 'Here is some weather';
class rain extends weather implements water
   public function makeItWet()
       return 'It is wet';
$a = new rain();
echo $a->start();
echo $a->makeItWet();


if you want to implement an interface and in addition you need to inherit, the correct order is:
class MyClassChildren extends MyClassParent implements MyInterface

hayley watson

If it's not already obvious, it's worth noticing that the parameters in the interface's method declaration do not have to have the same names as those in any of its implementations.
More significantly, default argument values may be supplied for interface method parameters, and they have to be if you want to use default argument values in the implemented classes:
interface isStuffable
public function getStuffed($ratio=0.5);
class Turkey implements isStuffable
public function getStuffed($stuffing=1)
// ....
Note that not only do the parameters have different names ($ratio and $stuffing), but their default values are free to be different as well. There doesn't seem to be any purpose to the interface's default argument value except as a dummy placeholder to show that there is a default (a class implementing isStuffable will not be able to implement methods with the signatures getStuffed(), getStuffed($a), or getStuffed($a,$b)).


If I run the belowing code, I get an error message.
* Testing of method overrideing on interfaces
interface IFoo
public function Foo();
interface IBar extends IFoo
public function Foo($bar);
The error message says: Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function IFoo::Foo() (previously declared abstract in IBar) in D:\www\svn\virgilius\interface_or_test.php on line 12
So I don't understand that if method overriding works fine in class instances, but not in interfaces. BTW I think that is a typical situation when a standard method expanded by new parameters in the later interface instances.
I know, I can do a workaround with the func_get_* functions, but it's a big ugly hack I think. If I make a big class-hierarchie, I must make a lot of the above ugly think maybe, in a lot of methods, maybe.
So I prefer to droping all my interfaces and don't use ever again this stucture, because it's only make difficult to develop rather then it's make relieve and clean logically and overviewable.


If a class implements two interfaces , but these two interfaces have a same method,for example
interface TestInterface1
function testMethod1();
function testMethod2();
interface TestInterface2
function testMethod2();
function testMethod3();
function testMethod4();
class ImplementClass implements TestInterface1,TestInterface2
function __construct()
echo "I am constructor\r\n";
function __destruct()
echo "I am destructor\r\n";
function testMethod1()
function testMethod2()
function testMethod3()
function testMethod4()
It will cause  a fatal error!


Consider the following:
[vbolshov@localhost tmp]$ cat t.php
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
interface i {
       function f($arg);
class c implements i {
       function f($arg, $arg2 = null)
[vbolshov@localhost tmp]$ php t.php
[vbolshov@localhost tmp]$
PHP doesn't generate a Fatal Error in this case, although the method declaration in the class differs from that in the interface. This situation doesn't seem good to me: I'd prefer classes being strictly bound to their interfaces.


Classes can adopt interfaces, without the interface-specified functions, if they are inherited from parent classes.
interface object_interface
public function object_function();
abstract class abstract_object
public function object_function()
print ("This class is: abstract_object");
class child_object extends abstract_object implements object_interface

$OB = new child_object;


Classes and interface names share a common name space, so you can't have a class and an interface with the same name, even though the two can never be used ambiguously (i.e. there are no circumstances in which a class and an interface can be used interchangeably). e.g. this will not work:
interface foo {
public function bling();
class foo implements foo {
public function bling() {
You will get a 'Cannot redeclare class' error, even though it's only been declared as a class once.

sebastian mendel

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Autoloading Objects
Constructors and Destructors
Scope Resolution Operator (::)
Static Keyword
Class Constants
Class Abstraction
Object Interfaces
Object Iteration
Magic Methods
Final Keyword
Object cloning
Comparing objects
Type Hinting
Late Static Bindings
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