Queries the current status for a service, returning an array of
- servicename
The short name of the service.
- machine
The optional machine name. If omitted, the local machine will be used.
Return Values
Returns FALSE
on failure, otherwise returns an array consisting of the
following information:
- ServiceType
The dwServiceType.
- CurrentState
The dwCurrentState.
- ControlsAccepted
Which service controls are accepted by the service.
- Win32ExitCode
If the service exited, the return code from the process.
- ServiceSpecificExitCode
If the service exited with an error condition, the service specific
code that is logged in the event log is visible here.
- CheckPoint
If the service is shutting down, holds the current check point number.
This is used by the SCM as a kind of heart-beat to detect a wedged service
process. The value of the check point is best interpreted in
conjunction with the WaitHint value.
- WaitHint
If the service is shutting down it will set WaitHint to a checkpoint
value that will indicate 100% completion. This can be used to
implement a progress indicator.
- ProcessId
The Windows process identifier. If 0, the process is not running.
- ServiceFlags
The dwServiceFlags.