Returns a tidyNode object representing the root of the tidy parse tree
(PHP 5, PECL tidy:0.5.2-1.0)
Procedural style: Object oriented style: Returns a tidyNode object representing the root of the tidy parse tree. Example 2548. dump nodes<?php The above example will output: ..php
This function is only available with Zend Engine 2, this means PHP >= 5.0.0. |
Change Languageob_tidyhandler tidy_access_count tidy_clean_repair tidy_config_count tidy::__construct tidy_diagnose tidy_error_count tidy_get_body tidy_get_config tidy_get_error_buffer tidy_get_head tidy_get_html_ver tidy_get_html tidy_get_opt_doc tidy_get_output tidy_get_release tidy_get_root tidy_get_status tidy_getopt tidy_is_xhtml tidy_is_xml tidy_load_config tidy_node->get_attr tidy_node->get_nodes tidy_node->next tidy_node->prev tidy_parse_file tidy_parse_string tidy_repair_file tidy_repair_string tidy_reset_config tidy_save_config tidy_set_encoding tidy_setopt tidy_warning_count tidyNode->hasChildren tidyNode->hasSiblings tidyNode->isAsp tidyNode->isComment tidyNode->isHtml tidyNode->isJste tidyNode->isPhp tidyNode->isText tidyNode::getParent |