Execute a query against a given database and returns an array
(PHP 5, PECL sqlite:1.0-1.0.3)
Object oriented style (method): SQLiteDatabase { sqlite_array_query() executes the given query and returns an array of the entire result set. It is similar to calling sqlite_query() and then sqlite_fetch_array() for each row in the result set. sqlite_array_query() is significantly faster than the aforementioned.
sqlite_array_query() is best suited to queries returning 45 rows or less. If you have more data than that, it is recommended that you write your scripts to use sqlite_unbuffered_query() instead for more optimal performance. Parameters
Two alternative syntaxes are supported for compatibility with other database extensions (such as MySQL). The preferred form is the first, where the dbhandle parameter is the first parameter to the function. Return Values
Returns an array of the entire result set; The column names returned by
ExamplesExample 2316. Procedural style<?php Example 2317. Object-oriented style<?php Code Examples / Notes » sqlite_array_querykendlj
Do not use this code, whenever you may get no result: <? $return_data=@sqlite_array_query($query,$databaseHandle); if(!$return_data) { //Errorhandling code die( sqlite_error_string( sqlite_last_error($this->databaseHandle) ) ); } ?> It will execute the Errorhandling code although there is no error, cause if there is nothing found, sqlite_array_query returns an empty array, which is interpreted as 'false' here. You will get an Message like: 'not an error' Instead use: <? $return_data=@sqlite_array_query($query,$databaseHandle); if($return_data===false) { //Errorhandling code } ?> |
Change Languagesqlite_array_query sqlite_busy_timeout sqlite_changes sqlite_close sqlite_column sqlite_create_aggregate sqlite_create_function sqlite_current sqlite_error_string sqlite_escape_string sqlite_exec sqlite_factory sqlite_fetch_all sqlite_fetch_array sqlite_fetch_column_types sqlite_fetch_object sqlite_fetch_single sqlite_fetch_string sqlite_field_name sqlite_has_more sqlite_has_prev sqlite_key sqlite_last_error sqlite_last_insert_rowid sqlite_libencoding sqlite_libversion sqlite_next sqlite_num_fields sqlite_num_rows sqlite_open sqlite_popen sqlite_prev sqlite_query sqlite_rewind sqlite_seek sqlite_single_query sqlite_udf_decode_binary sqlite_udf_encode_binary sqlite_unbuffered_query sqlite_valid |