Returns the type of interface between web server and PHP
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.1, PHP 5)
Returns a lowercase string which describes the type of interface between
web server and PHP (Server API, SAPI). In CGI PHP, this string is "cgi",
in ExamplesExample 1849. php_sapi_name() example<?php
See Also
Code Examples / Notes » php_sapi_namecheezy
The returned strings can be found in the source code (of course!), this is the list I found (using [ http://lxr.php.net/ident?i=sapi_module_struct ]): - aolserver - activescript - apache - cgi-fcgi - cgi - isapi - nsapi - phttpd - roxen - java_servlet - thttpd - pi3web - apache2filter - caudium - apache2handler - tux - webjames - cli - embed - milter |
Change Languageassert_options assert dl extension_loaded get_cfg_var get_current_user get_defined_constants get_extension_funcs get_include_path get_included_files get_loaded_extensions get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime get_required_files getenv getlastmod getmygid getmyinode getmypid getmyuid getopt getrusage ini_alter ini_get_all ini_get ini_restore ini_set main memory_get_peak_usage memory_get_usage php_ini_scanned_files php_logo_guid php_sapi_name php_uname phpcredits phpinfo phpversion putenv restore_include_path set_include_path set_magic_quotes_runtime set_time_limit sys_get_temp_dir version_compare zend_logo_guid zend_thread_id zend_version |