Get data from a fetched column
(PHP 4, PHP 5 <= 5.0.5)
Return Values
Returns the column data. If an error occurs, NotesWhen using oci8 as a replacement for the deprecated oracle extension, consider using:
Code Examples / Notes » ora_getcolumnmarkus dot elfring
The functions "OCINewDescriptor" and "OCILoadLob" seem to be better for special datatypes like "CLOB" or "BLOB".
brian dot craigie
The column number starts at zero. The number of columns may be obtained by a call to the (undocumented) function: $ncols=ora_numcols($cur); after ora_exec($cur) has been performed. Correction: ora_numrows($cur); returns the current row number. To find out how many rows you will have, you need to do a 'select count(*)...' query first and read back the result. leon
If you are using LONG RAW columns, keep in mind that this function can return up to 64K of data, a limit that's hardcoded into the "DB_SIZE" constant inside "functions/oracle.c".