Fetch a result row as an associative, a numeric array, or both
(PECL maxdb:1.0-
Procedural style: Object oriented style (method): result {
Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row or maxdb_fetch_array() is an extended version of the maxdb_fetch_row() function. In addition to storing the data in the numeric indices of the result array, the maxdb_fetch_array() function can also store the data in associative indices, using the field names of the result set as keys.
Field names returned by this function are case-sensitive.
This function sets NULL fields to
PHP If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the last column will take precedence and overwrite the earlier data. In order to access multiple columns with the same name, the numerically indexed version of the row must be used. The optional second argument resulttype is a constant indicating what type of array should be produced from the current row data. The possible values for this parameter are the constants MAXDB_ASSOC, MAXDB_ASSOC_UPPER, MAXDB_ASSOC_LOWER, MAXDB_NUM, or MAXDB_BOTH. By default the maxdb_fetch_array() function will assume MAXDB_BOTH, which is a combination of MAXDB_NUM and MAXDB_ASSOC for this parameter. By using the MAXDB_ASSOC constant this function will behave identically to the maxdb_fetch_assoc(), while MAXDB_NUM will behave identically to the maxdb_fetch_row() function. The final option MAXDB_BOTH will create a single array with the attributes of both. By using the MAXDB_ASSOC_UPPER constant, the behaviour of this function is identical to the use of MAXDB_ASSOC except the array index of a column is the fieldname in upper case. By using the MAXDB_ASSOC_LOWER constant, the behaviour of this function is identical to the use of MAXDB_ASSOC except the array index of a column is the fieldname in lower case. Return Values
Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row or ExamplesExample 1188. Object oriented style<?php Example 1189. Procedural style<?php The above examples would produce the following output: New York (NY) |
Change Language![]() maxdb_affected_rows maxdb_autocommit maxdb_bind_param maxdb_bind_result maxdb_change_user maxdb_character_set_name maxdb_client_encoding maxdb_close_long_data maxdb_close maxdb_commit maxdb_connect_errno maxdb_connect_error maxdb_connect maxdb_data_seek maxdb_debug maxdb_disable_reads_from_master maxdb_disable_rpl_parse maxdb_dump_debug_info maxdb_embedded_connect maxdb_enable_reads_from_master maxdb_enable_rpl_parse maxdb_errno maxdb_error maxdb_escape_string maxdb_execute maxdb_fetch_array maxdb_fetch_assoc maxdb_fetch_field_direct maxdb_fetch_field maxdb_fetch_fields maxdb_fetch_lengths maxdb_fetch_object maxdb_fetch_row maxdb_fetch maxdb_field_count maxdb_field_seek maxdb_field_tell maxdb_free_result maxdb_get_client_info maxdb_get_client_version maxdb_get_host_info maxdb_get_metadata maxdb_get_proto_info maxdb_get_server_info maxdb_get_server_version maxdb_info maxdb_init maxdb_insert_id maxdb_kill maxdb_master_query maxdb_more_results maxdb_multi_query maxdb_next_result maxdb_num_fields maxdb_num_rows maxdb_options maxdb_param_count maxdb_ping maxdb_prepare maxdb_query maxdb_real_connect maxdb_real_escape_string maxdb_real_query maxdb_report maxdb_rollback maxdb_rpl_parse_enabled maxdb_rpl_probe maxdb_rpl_query_type maxdb_select_db maxdb_send_long_data maxdb_send_query maxdb_server_end maxdb_server_init maxdb_set_opt maxdb_sqlstate maxdb_ssl_set maxdb_stat maxdb_stmt_affected_rows maxdb_stmt_bind_param maxdb_stmt_bind_result maxdb_stmt_close_long_data maxdb_stmt_close maxdb_stmt_data_seek maxdb_stmt_errno maxdb_stmt_error maxdb_stmt_execute maxdb_stmt_fetch maxdb_stmt_free_result maxdb_stmt_init maxdb_stmt_num_rows maxdb_stmt_param_count maxdb_stmt_prepare maxdb_stmt_reset maxdb_stmt_result_metadata maxdb_stmt_send_long_data maxdb_stmt_sqlstate maxdb_stmt_store_result maxdb_store_result maxdb_thread_id maxdb_thread_safe maxdb_use_result maxdb_warning_count |