Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet standard dotted format
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
Code Examples / Notes » long2ipflobee
when importing ip-ranges to a mysql database using an INT(10) field - NOTE: that you will get problems when using intval() function! copied from "cleong" : 02-Oct-2001 02:21 intval() handles overflow differently depending on the type of the argument. <?php // intval('10000000000') = 2147483647 // intval(1e10) = 1410065408 ?> randomize
Random ip address! (4294967295 is long2ip(rand(0, "4294967295")) gabriel malca
If the function doesn't exist: <? if (!function_exists("long2ip")) { function long2ip($long) { // Valid range: -> if ($long < 0 || $long > 4294967295) return false; $ip = ""; for ($i=3;$i>=0;$i--) { $ip .= (int)($long / pow(256,$i)); $long -= (int)($long / pow(256,$i))*pow(256,$i); if ($i>0) $ip .= "."; } return $ip; } } ?> tom crosley
I wanted to be able to pass an IP address in a URL always as an unsigned int. I then converted it back as shown below: $ip_addr = ""; // example IP address that converts to neg # $s32int = ip2long($ip_addr); $us32str = sprintf("%u",$s32int); // convert to unsigned string // display orig IP address, signed 32 bit version, unsigned 32 bit ver, // finally converted back to IP addr printf("%s ,%d, %s, %s", $ip_addr, $s32int, $us32str, long2ip(-(4294967296-$us32str))); // tested on Linux/Apache PHP 4.1.2 |
Change Language![]() checkdnsrr closelog debugger_off debugger_on define_syslog_variables dns_check_record dns_get_mx dns_get_record fsockopen gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostbynamel getmxrr getprotobyname getprotobynumber getservbyname getservbyport header headers_list headers_sent inet_ntop inet_pton ip2long long2ip openlog pfsockopen setcookie setrawcookie socket_get_status socket_set_blocking socket_set_timeout syslog |