Register a format message set
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5 <= 5.0.5)
Code Examples / Notes » ircg_register_format_messagesdidou
More about the 5 whois lines : on ircg_whois($id_connexion,"dude") you'll get First line : (user informations) %f : dude %t : dude's ident %c : dude's remote address %m : dude's name Second line : (server informations) %f : dude %c : irc server adress %r : homepage %m : same as %r but with a <href> tag around Third line : (inactivity) %f : dude %m : dude's idle in seconds Fourth line : (where's dude at ?) (one line per channel, nothing if dude set mode +i) %f : dude %c : the channel prefixed by '@' if dude is operator or 'v' if he's voiced Fifth line : (end of the whois) %f : dude hope it will help ! Mehdi sgriffith
I am hoping to clarify a little bit about how this function works. This function sets up the way that the IRC messages are formatted and delivered to the current connection. Since this is a dynamic resource, you will likely need to either know or learn Jscript or something similar. I am placing my format messages here so that you can see how to split it off and send the information to jscript functions for processing/updating. I will leave it to you however to write the actual functions to handle the data.. I wouldnt want to spoil all the fun. :) One last thing.. This is by NO MEANS the only way to use this library. I am merely trying to help those that might be confused get a better understanding of the way the data is passed. <? //--- function begin --- ircg_register_format_messages("MYIRC", array( "<script> reg_message('%c','%f','%r'); </script>\n", "<script> receive_private_message('%f','%t','%j'); </script>\n", "<script> send_private_message('%t','%f','%j'); </script>\n", "<script> remove_chanuser('%1c','%f'); </script>\n", "<script> single_userjoin('%c', '%f'); </script>\n", "<script> kick_user('%1c','%1f','%1t','%j'); </script>\n", "<script> change_topic('%f','%j'); </script>\n", "<script> irc_error('%f','%t','%c','%m'); </script>\n", "<script> fatal_error('%f','%t','%c','%m'); </script>\n", "<script> end_joinlist('%f','%t','%c','%m'); </script>\n", "<script> remove_channel(); </script>\n", "<script> nick_change('%f','%t'); </script>\n", "<script> user_quit_chat('%f','%c','%m'); </script>\n", "<script> start_mass_join('%1c'); </script>\n", "<script> massjoin_to_userlist('%c','%f'); </script>\n", "<script> end_mass_join(); </script>\n", "<script> whois_user('%f','%m'); </script>\n", "<script> whois_serv('%f','%c','%m'); </script>\n", "<script> whois_idle('%f','%m'); </script>\n", "<script> whois_channel('%f','%c'); </script>\n", "<script> whois_end('%f'); </script>\n", "<script> voice_change('%f','%t','%c'); </script>\n", "<script> op_change('%f','%t','%c'); </script>\n", "<script> banlist_begin(); </script>\n", "<script> banlist_end(); </script>\n", )); //--- function end --- ?> Good luck! Scott |
Change Languageircg_channel_mode ircg_disconnect ircg_eval_ecmascript_params ircg_fetch_error_msg ircg_get_username ircg_html_encode ircg_ignore_add ircg_ignore_del ircg_invite ircg_is_conn_alive ircg_join ircg_kick ircg_list ircg_lookup_format_messages ircg_lusers ircg_msg ircg_names ircg_nick ircg_nickname_escape ircg_nickname_unescape ircg_notice ircg_oper ircg_part ircg_pconnect ircg_register_format_messages ircg_set_current ircg_set_file ircg_set_on_die ircg_topic ircg_who ircg_whois |