Rotate an image with a given angle
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)
Rotates the source_image image using the given angle in degrees. The center of rotation is the center of the image, and the rotated image is scaled down so that the whole rotated image fits in the destination image - the edges are not clipped. Parameters
ExamplesExample 1020. Rotate an image 180 degreesThis example rotates an image 180 degrees - upside down. <?php The above example will output something similar to: ![]() Code Examples / Notes » imagerotatem dot quinton
with large file, where imagerotate is missing, you can use, when possible "convert" command from ImageMagick. Here is a sample script. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); header("Content-type: image/png"); $file = 'images/test/imgp2498.jpg'; image_rotate_with_convert($file, 90); function image_rotate_with_convert($file, $angle){ passthru("convert -rotate $angle $file -"); } ?> jonathan
This method rotates an image in 90 degree increments (eg count should be between 1 and 3) and avoids the problems of image scaling that imageRotate has... <?php function rotateImage($src, $count = 1, $quality = 95) { if (!file_exists($src)) { return false; } list($w, $h) = getimagesize($src); if (($in = imageCreateFromJpeg($src)) === false) { echo "Failed create from source "; return false; } $angle = 360 - ((($count > 0 && $count < 4) ? $count : 0 ) * 90); if ($w == $h || $angle == 180) { $out = imageRotate($in, $angle, 0); } elseif ($angle == 90 || $angle == 270) { $size = ($w > $h ? $w : $h); // Create a square image the size of the largest side of our src image if (($tmp = imageCreateTrueColor($size, $size)) == false) { echo "Failed create square trueColor "; return false; } // Exchange sides if (($out = imageCreateTrueColor($h, $w)) == false) { echo "Failed create trueColor "; return false; } // Now copy our src image to tmp where we will rotate and then copy that to $out imageCopy($tmp, $in, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h); $tmp2 = imageRotate($tmp, $angle, 0); // Now copy tmp2 to $out; imageCopy($out, $tmp2, 0, 0, ($angle == 270 ? abs($w - $h) : 0), 0, $h, $w); imageDestroy($tmp); imageDestroy($tmp2); } elseif ($angle == 360) { imageDestroy($in); return true; } imageJpeg($out, $src, $quality); imageDestroy($in); imageDestroy($out); return true; } ?> anonymous
the solution barbarism at oscillatewildly dot com came up with to use -1 to preserve transparency apparently only works if you have PHP5 settings on your host. (This took me 2 days to figure out. I hope I save someone else that time.) My settings: PHP Version: 5.2.2 GD Version: bundled (2.0.34 compatible) Working in PHP5 Example: <?php $filename = 'picturewithtransparency.png'; $degrees = -90; // tilt it header('Content-type: image/png'); $source = imagecreatefrompng($filename); $rotate = imagerotate($source, $degrees, -1); imagealphablending($rotate, true); imagesavealpha($rotate, true); imagepng($rotate); ?> simon_nuttall
The following is potentially useful. It extracts the central largest circle of an image into a square of specified size, and optionally rotates it. The rest of the square is made transparent, so useful for drawing over other images. I've named it after binocular effect because on some old TV shows whenever they show someone looking through binoculars the screen shows a big circular image with black edges. <?php function image_binocular_effect($src, $bearing, $out_square) { // the source image is resampled to fit within the specified square, and rotated clockwise by bearing. // the largest circle within the image is retained, the rest made transparent. $out = imagecreatetruecolor($out_square, $out_square); $width=imagesx($src); $height=imagesy($src); $square=min($width, $height); imagecopyresampled($out, $src, 0, 0, ($width - $square)/2 , ($height - $square)/2, $out_square, $out_square, $square, $square); $mask = imagecreatetruecolor($out_square, $out_square); $black = ImageColorAllocate ($mask, 0, 0, 0); $white = ImageColorAllocate ($mask, 255, 255, 255); imagefilledrectangle($mask , 0, 0, $out_square, $out_square, $white); $centrexy=$out_square / 2; imagefilledellipse($mask, $centrexy, $centrexy, $out_square, $out_square, $black); ImageColorTransparent($mask, $black); imagecopymerge($out, $mask, 0, 0, 0, 0, $out_square, $out_square, 100); if ($bearing != 0) { $rotated_img=imagerotate($out , 360-$bearing, $white); // take off only the rotated width $rotated_map_width = imagesx($rotated_img); $rotated_map_height = imagesy($rotated_img); imagecopy($out, $rotated_img, 0, 0, ($rotated_map_width - $out_square) / 2, ($rotated_map_height - $out_square) / 2, $out_square, $out_square); } ImageColorTransparent($out, $white); return $out; } // Create a sample image to demonstrate the effect, but looks much better on real photos. $src = imagecreatetruecolor(200, 50); imagefilledrectangle($src, 0, 0, 200, 50, imagecolorallocate($src, 255, 255, 255)); ImageString($src, 3, 10, 10, "This is a sample image to illustrate the binocular effect", imagecolorallocate($im, 192, 0, 0)); $img=image_binocular_effect($src, 72, 50); ImagePNG($img,"test.png"); ?> christoph
The default direction of imageRotate() is counter clockwise. Heres a little function which solves the problem. <?php function rotate(&$image_source, $rotate_value, $rotate_clockwise = true) { if($rotate_clockwise == true) { $rotate_value = 360 - $rotate_value; } $image_source = imageRotate($image_source, $rotate_value, 0); } ?> oflashp
standart code rotate image(only Jpeg) <? $r=0; //rotate $img="254.jpg" //image $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($img); $img = imagerotate($source, $r, 0); imagejpeg($img); ?> cedric dot francoys
note for this message : "I was having a problem with rotating a PNG. I used -1 for ignore_transparent and in Firefox the uncovered area was transparent but in IE it showed as grey. The real problem is IE 6.0 does not support transparent PNGs. So don't blame the imagerotatefunction. I don't know about IE 7 though." In fact, IE6 doesn't handle the transparency for 24 bits PNG images. But it does for 8 bits PNG. (This problem has been solved with IE7). Meanwhile, even if the input image is a 8 bits one, the image returned by imagesrotate is a 24 bit one ... so IE6 wont correctly display it. crymsan
My php install does not have imagerotate (ubuntu). So, after fiddling with a few others I wrote my own code to rotate images in 90 degree increments. Any speed improvements would be great. <?php function imageRotate($src_img, $angle) { $src_x = imagesx($src_img); $src_y = imagesy($src_img); if ($angle == 90 || $angle == -910) { $dest_x = $src_y; $dest_y = $src_x; } else { $dest_x = $src_x; $dest_y = $src_y; } $rotate=imagecreatetruecolor($dest_x,$dest_y); imagealphablending($rotate, false); switch ($angle) { case 90: for ($y = 0; $y < ($src_y); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($src_x); $x++) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y); imagesetpixel($rotate, $dest_x - $y - 1, $x, $color); } } break; case -90: for ($y = 0; $y < ($src_y); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($src_x); $x++) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y); imagesetpixel($rotate, $y, $dest_y - $x - 1, $color); } } break; case 180: for ($y = 0; $y < ($src_y); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($src_x); $x++) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y); imagesetpixel($rotate, $dest_x - $x - 1, $dest_y - $y - 1, $color); } } break; default: $rotate = $src_img; }; return $rotate; } ?> 11-apr-2005 05:58
Just an advice for those who want to create image galleries and want to add a function to rotate pictures. The way this here works is always to decompress the picture, rotate it and compress it again. Therefore there _WILL_ always be a loss in quality. The more often you rotate the image the stronger the artefacts will be visible. Also using ImageMagick, if available does not help, as it also does not support lossless JPG manipulations. If you need a rotate function, ask your provider to install JPEGTRAN on the machine your server runs on and use the command line tool from your php application. gareth
It's worth noting this function will only rotate true colour images - If you have a 256 colour pallet based image it will not rotate with this. Use the following code to convert the 256 colour image to truecolour first: <?php if (!imageistruecolor($im)) { $w = imagesx($im); $h = imagesy($im); $t_im = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h); imagecopy($t_im,$im,0,0,0,0,$w,$h); $im = $t_im; } ?> I have found no mention of this shortcoming of imagerotate anywhere on the Internet. Hopefully this will limit the number of people who, like me, are trying to troubleshoot a perfectly operation PHP install. qrgames
imagerotate seems to be very fussy about handling transparency when copymerging onto another image. You can use the GD library's other transparency features to cover up the fact imagerotate gets it wrong HOWEVER it will only work if the top-left corner of the image is transparent at all rotations, so make the image a little bigger than it needs to be. This has been tested with png32 but does not work entirely for png8, as a phenomena creates noise around the rotated image. <?php $imgImage = imagecreatefrompng("image.png"); $colBlack = imagecolorallocate($imgImage, 0, 0, 0); $imgImage = imagerotate($imgImage, 360 - $intHeading, 0); imagefill($imgImage, 0, 0, $colBlack); imagecolortransparent($imgImage, $colBlack); imagecopymerge($imgOriginalImage , $imgImage, $intX, $intY, 0, 0, $intHeight, $intWidth, 100); imagedestroy($imgImage); ?> Note. $intHeading is in degrees clockwise :) jon
imagerotate does not preserve the alpha channel, so if you want to rotate a PNG you need to get creative. I don't see any command to retrieve the alpha information from an image (as far as I could see,) so you'll have to do a bit of manual labor before hand. In my case I created a second PNG file with the alpha saved as RGB data and manually "copied" the data from source to destination: function alpha_rotate($dst,$src,$rotate,$offsetX,$offsetY){ $top = imagecreatefrompng("image_processing/shadow.png"); $top_alpha = imagecreatefrompng("image_processing/shadow_alpha.png"); imagecopyresampled($top,$src,0,0,0,0,100,100,100,100); $top = imagerotate($top,$rotate,0x000000); $top_alpha = imagerotate($top_alpha,$rotate,0x000000); for ($theX=0;$theX<imagesx($top);$theX++){ for ($theY=0;$theY<imagesy($top);$theY++){ $rgb = imagecolorat($top,$theX,$theY); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $rgb = imagecolorat($top_alpha,$theX,$theY); $a = $rgb & 0xFF; $a = 127-floor($a/2); $myColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($top,$r,$g,$b,$a); imagesetpixel($dst,($theX+$offsetX),($theY+$offsetY),$myColor); } } } jmichel
Imagerotate apparently destroy transparency information (transparent areas turn to black). For now the only walkaround I found is to use : imagecolortransparent($image,imagecolorat($image,0,0)); but the result is quite awful if your original picture uses smooth transparency (which is probably the case with PNG pictures) barbarism
If you pass "-1" into the last param of imagecreatefrompng, it preserves PNG transparently properly! Exampe: $filename = './documents/135.pdf.png'; $degrees = 40; header('Content-type: image/png'); $source = imagecreatefrompng($filename); $rotate = imagerotate($source, $degrees, -1); imagealphablending($rotate, true); imagesavealpha($rotate, true); imagepng($rotate); http://whitemarker.blogspot.com
I was having a problem with rotating a PNG. I used -1 for ignore_transparent and in Firefox the uncovered area was transparent but in IE it showed as grey. The real problem is IE 6.0 does not support transparent PNGs. So don't blame the imagerotatefunction. I don't know about IE 7 though. olav-x
I tried the example provided by 'jonathan AT sharpmedia DOT net', and that gave me strange rotations, with offset on the image. I dont need an advanced rotation script like that, so I used his function wrapper and make a more simple edition. ps. the code above the function is only for test-purpose. I'll retrieve srcpic from the db. the idea here, is that I'll store rotated thumbs of the original thumb. Then the user can click on the thumb which is "correctly rotated" and then the original file will be rotated. I think I'll make some backup function implemented too! the idea is that the rotated files will have _ROT<int>.ext eg. if you rotate the file "bicycle.jpg" 1 rotation (90 degrees), it will be copied to: bicycle_ROT1.jpg, 180 degrees would be _ROT2.jpg, and so on. There is only 3 rots, I should have removed the ROT0 here, as well as the code might need improvement. However, I think that simple codes like this ones, are the easiest ones to use as a foundation, as they are - simple! What you can improve, if you want to do this: * there is a lot! however, you have to wrap the $dst in something like: if (!isset($dst)) { } eg. so you can over-ride the "save to", when calling the function! this is beta 0.0000001 however, so play with it, slaughter it, whatever. good luck! Olav Alexander Mjelde <?php // #### start of test $srcpic = 'bilder/biler/_tmp/foo.jpg'; echo rotateImage($srcpic, $dstpic, 1, 100); echo rotateImage($srcpic, $dstpic, 2, 100); echo rotateImage($srcpic, $dstpic, 3, 100); // #### end of test // this function rotates an image function rotateImage($src, $dst, $count = 1, $quality = 95) { if (!file_exists($src)) { return false; } // generate output filename extension $dst = substr($src, 0, strrpos($src, ".")) . "_ROT" . $count . substr($src, strrpos($src, "."), strlen($src)); switch ($count) { case 0: $degrees = 0; break; case 1: $degrees = 90; break; case 2: $degrees = 180; break; case 3: $degrees = 270; break; } // Load $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($src); // Rotate $rotate = imagerotate($source, 360 - $degrees, 0); // Output imagejpeg($rotate, $dst, $quality); imageDestroy($rotate); imageDestroy($source); return true; } ?> wulff
I liked the rotateImageBicubic function implemented by darren at lucidtone dot com. But it just snipped off the parts of the image that were outside the original image. I fixed this, even though I admit that my solution is a bit naive. But it might come in handy for somebody. Also his bicubic implementation was broken on my machine so I left it out, if you need it just copy and paste it from above. <?php // $src_img - a GD image resource // $angle - degrees to rotate clockwise, in degrees // returns a GD image resource // USAGE: // $im = imagecreatefrompng('test.png'); // $im = imagerotate($im, 15); // header('Content-type: image/png'); // imagepng($im); function imageRotate($src_img, $angle, $bicubic=false) { // convert degrees to radians $angle = $angle + 180; $angle = deg2rad($angle); $src_x = imagesx($src_img); $src_y = imagesy($src_img); $center_x = floor($src_x/2); $center_y = floor($src_y/2); $cosangle = cos($angle); $sinangle = sin($angle); $corners=array(array(0,0), array($src_x,0), array($src_x,$src_y), array(0,$src_y)); foreach($corners as $key=>$value) { $value[0]-=$center_x; //Translate coords to center for rotation $value[1]-=$center_y; $temp=array(); $temp[0]=$value[0]*$cosangle+$value[1]*$sinangle; $temp[1]=$value[1]*$cosangle-$value[0]*$sinangle; $corners[$key]=$temp; } $min_x=1000000000000000; $max_x=-1000000000000000; $min_y=1000000000000000; $max_y=-1000000000000000; foreach($corners as $key => $value) { if($value[0]<$min_x) $min_x=$value[0]; if($value[0]>$max_x) $max_x=$value[0]; if($value[1]<$min_y) $min_y=$value[1]; if($value[1]>$max_y) $max_y=$value[1]; } $rotate_width=round($max_x-$min_x); $rotate_height=round($max_y-$min_y); $rotate=imagecreatetruecolor($rotate_width,$rotate_height); imagealphablending($rotate, false); imagesavealpha($rotate, true); //Reset center to center of our image $newcenter_x = ($rotate_width)/2; $newcenter_y = ($rotate_height)/2; for ($y = 0; $y < ($rotate_height); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($rotate_width); $x++) { // rotate... $old_x = round((($newcenter_x-$x) * $cosangle + ($newcenter_y-$y) * $sinangle)) + $center_x; $old_y = round((($newcenter_y-$y) * $cosangle - ($newcenter_x-$x) * $sinangle)) + $center_y; if ( $old_x >= 0 && $old_x < $src_x && $old_y >= 0 && $old_y < $src_y ) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $old_x, $old_y); } else { // this line sets the background colour $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($src_img, 255, 255, 255, 127); } imagesetpixel($rotate, $x, $y, $color); } } return($rotate); } ?> darren
Here's a neat function for those of us who don't have imagerotate() on our servers. It's based on a comment from ron at korving dot demon dot nl on the manual page for imagecopyresampled. I'm still not 100% on coping with transparency, but this function seems to cope okay. It doesn't resize to fit within bounds, it just rotates and you lose anything outside the image box. The bicubic mode is slooow. If you want to be able to change the background colour, pass in a colour and use it where indicated. The line I used just sets it transparent. <? // $src_img - a GD image resource // $angle - degrees to rotate clockwise, in degrees // returns a GD image resource // USAGE: // $im = imagecreatefrompng('test.png'); // $im = imagerotate($im, 15); // header('Content-type: image/png'); // imagepng($im); function imageRotateBicubic($src_img, $angle, $bicubic=false) { // convert degrees to radians $angle = $angle + 180; $angle = deg2rad($angle); $src_x = imagesx($src_img); $src_y = imagesy($src_img); $center_x = floor($src_x/2); $center_y = floor($src_y/2); $rotate = imagecreatetruecolor($src_x, $src_y); imagealphablending($rotate, false); imagesavealpha($rotate, true); $cosangle = cos($angle); $sinangle = sin($angle); for ($y = 0; $y < $src_y; $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $src_x; $x++) { // rotate... $old_x = (($center_x-$x) * $cosangle + ($center_y-$y) * $sinangle) + $center_x; $old_y = (($center_y-$y) * $cosangle - ($center_x-$x) * $sinangle) + $center_y; if ( $old_x >= 0 && $old_x < $src_x && $old_y >= 0 && $old_y < $src_y ) { if ($bicubic == true) { $sY = $old_y + 1; $siY = $old_y; $siY2 = $old_y - 1; $sX = $old_x + 1; $siX = $old_x; $siX2 = $old_x - 1; $c1 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY2)); $c2 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY)); $c3 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY2)); $c4 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY)); $r = ($c1['red'] + $c2['red'] + $c3['red'] + $c4['red'] ) << 14; $g = ($c1['green'] + $c2['green'] + $c3['green'] + $c4['green']) << 6; $b = ($c1['blue'] + $c2['blue'] + $c3['blue'] + $c4['blue'] ) >> 2; $a = ($c1['alpha'] + $c2['alpha'] + $c3['alpha'] + $c4['alpha'] ) >> 2; $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($src_img, $r,$g,$b,$a); } else { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $old_x, $old_y); } } else { // this line sets the background colour $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($src_img, 255, 255, 255, 127); } imagesetpixel($rotate, $x, $y, $color); } } return $rotate; } ?> borszczuk
Here's a function that implements right angle (multiplicity of 90 degs - 90, 180, 270) rotation if you need one but lacks native imagerotate() or you don't want non-square images to be scaled down as with imagerotate(). As you probably noticed it's not self contained function, as 180 rotation is handled by ImageFlip() function to gain the performance. The ImageFlip() function used is published here: http://php.net/imagecopy in the comment of mine placed on 05-Jan-2005 04:30 Please note: that in case of 0 degrees rotation handle to imgSrc is returned which may lead to problems if you imagedestroy() it undonditionaly. To solve that you shall add imagecopy($imgDest, $imgSrc, 0,0, 0,0,$srcX, $srcY) in proper place which I have intentionally ommited to save memory resources <?php // $imgSrc - GD image handle of source image // $angle - angle of rotation. Needs to be positive integer // angle shall be 0,90,180,270, but if you give other it // will be rouned to nearest right angle (i.e. 52->90 degs, // 96->90 degs) // returns GD image handle of rotated image. function ImageRotateRightAngle( $imgSrc, $angle ) { // ensuring we got really RightAngle (if not we choose the closest one) $angle = min( ( (int)(($angle+45) / 90) * 90), 270 ); // no need to fight if( $angle == 0 ) return( $imgSrc ); // dimenstion of source image $srcX = imagesx( $imgSrc ); $srcY = imagesy( $imgSrc ); switch( $angle ) { case 90: $imgDest = imagecreatetruecolor( $srcY, $srcX ); for( $x=0; $x<$srcX; $x++ ) for( $y=0; $y<$srcY; $y++ ) imagecopy($imgDest, $imgSrc, $srcY-$y-1, $x, $x, $y, 1, 1); break; case 180: $imgDest = ImageFlip( $imgSrc, IMAGE_FLIP_BOTH ); break; case 270: $imgDest = imagecreatetruecolor( $srcY, $srcX ); for( $x=0; $x<$srcX; $x++ ) for( $y=0; $y<$srcY; $y++ ) imagecopy($imgDest, $imgSrc, $y, $srcX-$x-1, $x, $y, 1, 1); break; } return( $imgDest ); } ?> thomaschaaf
function rotate($degrees) { if(function_exists("imagerotate")) $this->image = imagerotate($this->image, $degrees, 0); else { function imagerotate($src_img, $angle) { $src_x = imagesx($src_img); $src_y = imagesy($src_img); if ($angle == 180) { $dest_x = $src_x; $dest_y = $src_y; } elseif ($src_x <= $src_y) { $dest_x = $src_y; $dest_y = $src_x; } elseif ($src_x >= $src_y) { $dest_x = $src_y; $dest_y = $src_x; } $rotate=imagecreatetruecolor($dest_x,$dest_y); imagealphablending($rotate, false); switch ($angle) { case 270: for ($y = 0; $y < ($src_y); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($src_x); $x++) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y); imagesetpixel($rotate, $dest_x - $y - 1, $x, $color); } } break; case 90: for ($y = 0; $y < ($src_y); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($src_x); $x++) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y); imagesetpixel($rotate, $y, $dest_y - $x - 1, $color); } } break; case 180: for ($y = 0; $y < ($src_y); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($src_x); $x++) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y); imagesetpixel($rotate, $dest_x - $x - 1, $dest_y - $y - 1, $color); } } break; default: $rotate = $src_img; }; return $rotate; } $this->image = imagerotate($this->image, $degrees); } } This one works better than the one below from the 12th February and if the faster function is available it will take that. It is still not optimized but turning pictures works better.. kumm
A better bugfix for jonathan AT sharpmedia DOT net's rotateImage function you need to replace: // Now copy tmp2 to $out; imagecopy($out, $tmp2, 0, 0, ($angle == 270 ? abs($w - $h) : 0), 0, $h, $w); with: // Now copy tmp2 to $out; if ($h>$w) { imagecopy($out, $tmp2, 0, 0, 0, ($angle == 90 ? abs($w - $h) : 0), $h, $w); } else { imagecopy($out, $tmp2, 0, 0, ($angle == 270 ? abs($w - $h) : 0), 0, $h, $w); } otherwise the image gets moved when rotating a standing up image longhair
<? //KOMPASS //PHP4.0 //GD2 $wert=0; //0-360 degree $null=46; //Offset $bgcolor=0x0033CC; $grad=$wert+$null; $kompass=imagecreatefromjpeg("bilder/kompass_ohne.jpg"); $nadel=imagecreatefromjpeg("bilder/nadel_bleu.jpg"); $mov_nadel= imagerotate($nadel, $grad, $bgcolor); $xKom=imagesx($kompass); $yKom=imagesy($kompass); $x2Kom=$xKom/2; $y2Kom=$yKom/2; $xNad=imagesy($mov_nadel); $yNad=imagesy($mov_nadel); $y2Nad=$yNad/2+$x2Kom-$yNad; //92/2=46 + 100-92 $x2Nad=$xNad/2+$y2Kom-$xNad; imagecopy ( $kompass, $mov_nadel, $x2Nad, $y2Nad, 0, 0, $xNad, $xNad ); header("Content-type: image/jpg"); //wird als JEPG-Bild Ausgegeben //imagepng($kompass); imagejpeg($kompass); //imagegif($nadel); imagedestroy($nadel); imagedestroy($kompass); ?> |
Change Language![]() gd_info getimagesize image_type_to_extension image_type_to_mime_type image2wbmp imagealphablending imageantialias imagearc imagechar imagecharup imagecolorallocate imagecolorallocatealpha imagecolorat imagecolorclosest imagecolorclosestalpha imagecolorclosesthwb imagecolordeallocate imagecolorexact imagecolorexactalpha imagecolormatch imagecolorresolve imagecolorresolvealpha imagecolorset imagecolorsforindex imagecolorstotal imagecolortransparent imageconvolution imagecopy imagecopymerge imagecopymergegray imagecopyresampled imagecopyresized imagecreate imagecreatefromgd2 imagecreatefromgd2part imagecreatefromgd imagecreatefromgif imagecreatefromjpeg imagecreatefrompng imagecreatefromstring imagecreatefromwbmp imagecreatefromxbm imagecreatefromxpm imagecreatetruecolor imagedashedline imagedestroy imageellipse imagefill imagefilledarc imagefilledellipse imagefilledpolygon imagefilledrectangle imagefilltoborder imagefilter imagefontheight imagefontwidth imageftbbox imagefttext imagegammacorrect imagegd2 imagegd imagegif imagegrabscreen imagegrabwindow imageinterlace imageistruecolor imagejpeg imagelayereffect imageline imageloadfont imagepalettecopy imagepng imagepolygon imagepsbbox imagepsencodefont imagepsextendfont imagepsfreefont imagepsloadfont imagepsslantfont imagepstext imagerectangle imagerotate imagesavealpha imagesetbrush imagesetpixel imagesetstyle imagesetthickness imagesettile imagestring imagestringup imagesx imagesy imagetruecolortopalette imagettfbbox imagettftext imagetypes imagewbmp imagexbm iptcembed iptcparse jpeg2wbmp png2wbmp |