Binary-safe gz-file read
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
gzread() reads up to length bytes from the given gz-file pointer. Reading stops when length (uncompressed) bytes have been read or EOF is reached, whichever comes first. Parameters
ExamplesExample 2732. gzread() example<?php Code Examples / Notes » gzreadmethatron
Be aware that gzread's second parameter - length reffers to the file's uncompressed size, therefore using this code: <?php $file_name = "/usr/local/something.txt.gz"; if($file_handle = gzopen($file_name, "r")) { $contents = gzread($file_handle, filesize($file_name)); gzclose($file_name); } ?> will probably truncate the content of the file as filesize checks for the file's compressed size. So either use the actual uncompressed size, if you know it, or use an aribtrary big enough length, as gzreading will stop at the end of the file anyway. zaotong
As was shown to me in another forum there is a way to get the uncompressed size of the gz file by viewing the last 4 bytes of the gz file. Here is a piece of code that will do this <?php $FileRead = 'SomeText.txt'; $FileOpen = fopen($FileRead, "rb"); fseek($FileOpen, -4, SEEK_END); $buf = fread($FileOpen, 4); $GZFileSize = end(unpack("V", $buf)); fclose($FileOpen); $HandleRead = gzopen($FileRead, "rb"); $ContentRead = gzread($HandleRead, $GZFileSize); ?> This will read the last 4 bytes of the gz file and use it as the file int for the gzread. Thanks to stereofrog for helping me with this code. |