Get the size of an image
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
The getimagesize() function will determine the
size of any given image file and return the dimensions along with
the file type and a height/width text string to be used inside a
normal HTML getimagesize() can also return some more information in imageinfo parameter.
Note that JPC and JP2 are capable of having components with different bit depths. In this case, the value for "bits" is the highest bit depth encountered. Also, JP2 files may contain multiple JPEG 2000 codestreams. In this case, getimagesize() returns the values for the first codestream it encounters in the root of the file.
The information about icons are retreived from the icon with the highest bitrate. Parameters
Return ValuesReturns an array with 5 elements. Index 0 and 1 contains respectively the width and the height of the image.
Some formats may contain no image or may contain multiple images. In these cases, getimagesize() might not be able to properly determine the image size. getimagesize() will return zero for width and height in these cases.
Index 2 is one of the
Index 3 is a text string with the correct
Example 980. getimagesize() and MIME types<?php
On failure, Errors/Exceptions
If accessing the filename image is impossible, or
if it isn't a valid picture, getimagesize() will
generate an error of level ChangeLog
ExamplesExample 981. getimagesize (file)<?php Example 982. getimagesize (URL)<?php Example 983. getimagesize() returning IPTC<?php Related Examples ( Source code ) » getimagesize Examples ( Source code ) » Add an PNG image to the image you generated Code Examples / Notes » getimagesizegeoff vane
WARNING: I couldn't get getimagesize() to work when using certain arrays. The solution was simple but easily overlooked: When using an array and/or a .txt file, to store & extract an image filename, which getimagesize() should examine, an almost unnoticable and unwanted space can exist !!! (at the end of the string..) Use rtrim($yourfilenamestring) to get rid of the space that will block your getimagesize() operation. example: $a = getimagesize(rtrim($yourfilenamestring) ) ; $a[0] will contain the width $a[1] will contain the height :) djwishbone
Using remote files with getimagesize($URL) never worked for me. Except when I would grab files from the same server. However, I developed some code with the help from the people here that does work. If you are having problems give this function a shot: function getimagesize_remote($image_url) { $handle = fopen ($image_url, "rb"); $contents = ""; if ($handle) { do { $count += 1; $data = fread($handle, 8192); if (strlen($data) == 0) { break; } $contents .= $data; } while(true); } else { return false; } fclose ($handle); $im = ImageCreateFromString($contents); if (!$im) { return false; } $gis[0] = ImageSX($im); $gis[1] = ImageSY($im); // array member 3 is used below to keep with current getimagesize standards $gis[3] = "width={$gis[0]} height={$gis[1]}"; ImageDestroy($im); return $gis; } goodluck nonick
To: webmaster at theotherpixel dot com I think the problem is that getimagesize() expects a valid path into the filesystem, so most probably you should use something like: $ret = getimagesize('/home/whoever/public_html/images/filename'); of course, using the route which applies to your setup: '/usr/www/', whatever. ________ Miguel. mark
To solve the problem with using absolute site filepaths, as experienced by Brian: $size = getimagesize($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$file); (where $file is something like "/rootdir/graphics/photo.jpg") cstdenis
This will not work for swf files unless zlib is compiled into php statically (not as a shared module). Bug #29611 As of PHP 5.0.0 it will just return false, but that should change to a notice by the next release. sixzero4
This is just to add to the comment by robertks at hotmail dot com on 05-Mar-2003 12:12 regarding trying to derive the dimensions of a video file. The package referenced (http://www.getid3.org/) had been updated, and below is a script I use to get the size. You can get many other attributes of media files as well. <?php // include getID3() library (can be in a different directory if full path is specified) include_once('getid3.php'); // Initialize getID3 engine $getID3 = new getID3; // File to get info from $file_location = './your/path/to/file.mov'; // Get information from the file $fileinfo = $getID3->analyze($file_location); getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($fileinfo); // Output results if (!empty($fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])) { echo ' video width: '.$fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'].''; } if (!empty($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'])) { echo ' video height: '.$fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'].''; } ?> Hope that helps others looking for a function similar to getimagesize() for a video or media file. webmaster
This is a useful function to display a thumbnail of a whatever image. This piece of code has been lightly modified from an example found on <b>NYPHP.ORG</B>. This function can build a thumbnail of any size you want and display it on your browser! Hope it can be useful for you guys! <?php function makeThumbnail($o_file, $t_ht = 100) { $image_info = getImageSize($o_file) ; // see EXIF for faster way switch ($image_info['mime']) { case 'image/gif': if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) { // not the same as IMAGETYPE $o_im = imageCreateFromGIF($o_file) ; } else { $ermsg = 'GIF images are not supported<br />'; } break; case 'image/jpeg': if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) { $o_im = imageCreateFromJPEG($o_file) ; } else { $ermsg = 'JPEG images are not supported<br />'; } break; case 'image/png': if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) { $o_im = imageCreateFromPNG($o_file) ; } else { $ermsg = 'PNG images are not supported<br />'; } break; case 'image/wbmp': if (imagetypes() & IMG_WBMP) { $o_im = imageCreateFromWBMP($o_file) ; } else { $ermsg = 'WBMP images are not supported<br />'; } break; default: $ermsg = $image_info['mime'].' images are not supported<br />'; break; } if (!isset($ermsg)) { $o_wd = imagesx($o_im) ; $o_ht = imagesy($o_im) ; // thumbnail width = target * original width / original height $t_wd = round($o_wd * $t_ht / $o_ht) ; $t_im = imageCreateTrueColor($t_wd,$t_ht); imageCopyResampled($t_im, $o_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $t_wd, $t_ht, $o_wd, $o_ht); imageJPEG($t_im); imageDestroy($o_im); imageDestroy($t_im); } return isset($ermsg)?$ermsg:NULL; } ?> Here the code to call the function: <? header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); makeThumbnail("http://it2.php.net/images/php.gif", 300); ?> cvig
This function does not work to catch corrupted PNG images. The alternative is to use ImageMagick's identify tool. Due to some sort of odd output usage the output from ImageMagick's identify won't be returned but you can use the return value from the program to test if a PNG file is valid: #!/usr/bin/php <?php if (! $argv[1]) exit("$argv[0] filename.png\n"); $result = 0; $tmp; exec("identify $argv[1]", $tmp, $result); if($result) { echo "Corrupted image\n"; return FALSE; // corrupt PNG file } else { echo "Valid image\n"; return TRUE; } ?> mariopro
The Problem: I've just noticed that after upgrading to the PHP 4.3.4 version, the old GetImageSize() should get your attention on pages coded before this new version. The solutions: So, if you used GetImageSize(), you should now be using getimagesize() - attention to all lower caracters. Also, you shou certify that the image realy exists, otherwhise you'll get the following error: getimagesize(): Read error! This means that there is no image to "fill" the string and thus you're calling, for example: "images/news/" instead of calling "images/news/03102004a.jpg" One should now verify if there is an image to be called (example): if($photo1!=""){ $size1=getimagesize("images/news/".$photo_news_1"]); $width1=$size1[0]; $height1=$size[1]; } Here, if $photo_news_1 is set and exists it will be displayed, otherwhise it will be skiped and no ERROR message will be displayed. In the PHP 4.3.3 and earlier versions, this was not necessary but it is now! ;) magicaltux
simm posted something interesting about imagick, but usually calling an external binary is not the best way. You can use the Imagick PHP module . With it, you do not even need to get the image size to generate thubnails... Here's the code I used : <?php $imh=imagick_readimage($image); imagick_scale($imh,GALLERY_THUMBNAILWIDTH,GALLERY_THUMBNAILHEIGHT); imagick_writeimage($imh,$image_thumb); ?> (I noticed that some hosting companies are now providing the imagick module by default. Using it allows you to accept any type of image from your visitors. Maybe it will be documented on the official PHP website one day or another? ) mogster
Really useful info from webmasterb@feartheclown.com and you others :-) Saved my butt... Here's a build on that, with proportional resizing of the image-upload ($newpic) to a fixed value ($maxwidth): $maxwidth = "350"; $imagehw = GetImageSize($newpic); $imagewidth = $imagehw[0]; $imageheight = $imagehw[1]; $imgorig = $imagewidth; if ($imagewidth > $maxwidth { $imageprop=($maxwidth*100)/$imagewidth; $imagevsize= ($imageheight*$imageprop)/100 ; $imagewidth=$maxwidth; $imageheight=ceil($imagevsize); } Of course this does not resize the image itself, but returns values one may use in html-code to restrain users from killing your design... knutm way2sirius
Or, you could check that the image file exists before calling the function: $is = null; $pic = 'path/to/image.jpg'; if( file_exists($pic) ) { $is = getimagesize($pic); } php dot net
Note that, if you're going to be a good programmer and use named constatnts (IMAGETYPE_JPEG) rather than their values (2), you want to use the IMAGETYPE variants - IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE GIF, IMAGETYPE_PNG, etc. For some reason, somebody made a horrible decision, and IMG_PNG is actually 4 in my version of PHP, while IMAGETYPE_PNG is 3. It took me a while to figure out why comparing the type against IMG_PNG was failing...
Note that with JPG images, two extra indexes are returned: channels and bits. channels will be 3 for RGB pictures and 4 for CMYK pictures. bits is the number of bits for each color. Bei JPG Bildern werden 2 zusätzliche Paramter zurückgegeben: "channels" und "bits". "channels" steht für die Anzahl der Farbkanäle (bei RGB = 3, bei CMYK = 4). "bits" gibt die Anzahl der Bits je Farbe zurück (Standard 8 bit) paul
Note that the canvas of a Flash movie can not be empty for getimagesize() to read the dimensions of an SWF. Not sure if this is a bug, a feature or just a limitation of the SWF format. Flash version does not seem to matter. Also tested with Flash 8 beta. snaprage
john, helpful indeed I used: function getFileSizeW($filePath){ $blah = getimagesize($filePath); $type = $blah['mime']; $width = $blah[0]; return $width;} function getFileSizeH($filePath){ $blah = getimagesize($filePath); $type = $blah['mime']; $height = $blah[1]; return $height;} $sizeW = getFileSizeW($file); $sizeH = getFileSizeH($file); the info is gathered from using $_POST[''] as its entered by the user. This may be helpful for somebody... redcore
It's always good to check out an image's dimensions while attempting to upload to your server or database...especially if it's going to be displayed on a page that doesn't accomodate images beyond a particular size. <?php $tmpName = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($tmpName); if($width>275 || $height>275) { die("exceeded image dimension limits."); } ?> geoff
In reply to the below suggestion: <?php print("<!--"); $is = getimagesize($pic); print("-->"); ?> This is nasty as the client still will receive the warning, just commented out in the HTML, you can just prefix "getimagesize" with an "@" to suppress any errors or warnings. Eg: <?PHP $is = @getimagesize($pic); ?> laurens dot stoetzel
In reply to John (http://de.php.net/manual/de/function.getimagesize.php#61514): list will only work with numeric arrays. <?php //renumber $my_image = array_values(getimagesize('test.jpg')); //use list on new array list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = $my_image; //view new array print_r($my_image); //spit out content echo 'Attribute: '.$attr.'<br />'; echo 'Width: '.$width.'<br />'; ?> jens
In addition to thomporter's quick-reference of the output array, here's what PHP 4.4.0 does: Array[0] = Width Array[1] = Height Array[2] = Image Type Flag Array[3] = width="xxx" height="xxx" Array[bits] = bits Array[channels] = channels Array[mime] = mime-type There is no chance of getting the mime-type by accessing Array[6]... joshua
If your image name has spaces in it you will need to use rawurlencode() and NOT urlencode() as this function (at least in 4.3.4) does not accept spaces as + signs.
If you want to show thumbnails keeping the original proportions, with defined maximum width and height, you can use this function. This is useful when showing tables of user-uploaded images, that not necessarily are same-sized. However, for big images (like wallpapers), a better option is to create separated thumbnails with a image-editing software. If the image is smaller or equal than the defined maximums, then it's showed without resizing. If not, creates a link to a pop-up that shows the full-size image. <?php function show_thumbnail($file) { $max = 200 // Max. thumbnail width and height $size = getimagesize($file); if ( $size[0] <= $max && $size[1] <= $max ) { $ret = '<img src="'.$file.'" '.$size[3].' border="0">'; } else { $k = ( $size[0] >= $size[1] ) ? $size[0] / $max : $size[1] / $max; $ret = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="window.open(\'image.php?img='; $ret .= $file.'\',\'\',\'width='.$size[0]; $ret .= ',height='.$size[1].'\')">'; $ret .= '<img src="'.$file.'" width="'.floor($size[0]/$k).'" height="'.floor($size[1]/$k).'" border="0" alt="View full-size image"></a>'; } return $ret; } ?> Here is the code of 'image.php': <html> <head> <title>Image</title> </head> <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"> <?php echo ( is_file($_GET['img']) ) ? '<a href="#" onClick="window.close();"><img src="'.$_GET['img'].'" border="0" alt="Close window"></a>' : 'Invalid image filename, or no filename entered. <a href="#" onClick="window.close();">Close window</a>.' ?> </body> </html> php
If you want to resize an image proportionally to fit within a given area, like I did, the following code might help you out. If either hscale or wscale are greater than 1 then that dimension is too big. If you then scale your image by the larger of the two values (hscale, wscale) then you guarantee that both dimensions will now fit in your specified area :) function makeImg($num) { global $hmax, $wmax; // max width and height $image = "somefile.jpg"; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image); $hscale = $height / $hmax; $wscale = $width / $wmax; if (($hscale > 1) || ($wscale > 1)) { $scale = ($hscale > $wscale)?$hscale:$wscale; } else { $scale = 1; } $newwidth = floor($width / $scale); $newheight= floor($height / $scale); return "<img width='$newwidth' height='$newheight' src='$image'> $image: $newwidth x $newheight : $width x $height"; } irregular
I've wrote this piece of useful code. May be it will be useful for you. But i got a problem - if source image is in the area with need of authorization then the functions that read some files from that place (i.e. getimagesize, imagejpeg) does not work! How to solve it? <?php //i't a stand-alone file named resize.php //the feature is caching // /image/thumbcache folder is used with file name forming by md5($img.$calc_width.$calc_height); //it gets such parameters: //img - image address (URL) //w - optional width //h - optional height //if you set either w or h, then the image is resized proportionaly, according to the source //if you set neither w nor h then the script just output file //if you set both w or h then the image will be resized exactly how you want $server_root = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'; if (isset($_GET['img']) && ((isset($_GET['w']) || isset($_GET['h']))) { $img = substr($_GET['img'],0,100); if (isset($_GET['w'])) $w = substr($_GET['w'],0,10); if (isset($_GET['h'])) $h = substr($_GET['h'],0,10); error_reporting(0); //check cache $hash = md5($img.$w.$h); $pos = strrpos($img,"."); $ext = substr($img,$pos+1,strlen($img)-$pos); $fname = $hash.'.'.$ext; $cachedim = @imagecreatefromjpeg($serverroot.'images/thumbcache/'.$fname); if ($cachedim) //just show cached thumbnail { header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($cachedim,'',100); } else //create and cache thumbnail and show it 'cause it's not in cache { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($img); if ($type==2) //jpeg { $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($img); /* Attempt to open */ if (!$im) { /* See if it failed */ $im = imagecreate(150, 30); /* Create a blank image */ $bgc = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $tc = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc); imagestring($im, 1, 5, 5, "Error loading image!", $tc); } else { //constrain proportions if needed if (isset($w)){ if ($w==0) $w = $width; } else $w = $width*$h/$height; if (isset($h)){ if ($h==0) $h = $height; } else $h = $height*$w/$width; $dstw=isset($w)?$w:$width; $dsth=isset($h)?$h:$height; $tim = imagecreatetruecolor($dstw,$dsth); imagecopyresampled($tim,$im,0,0,0,0,$dstw,$dsth,$width,$height); header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($tim,'./images/thumbcache/'.$fname,100); imagejpeg($tim,'',100); } } } error_reporting(E_ALL); } ?> tim
I'm working on files on a server where I can't change the php configuration. I wanted to use this with files that potentially weren't images / broken URLs. When this fails it returns an E_Warning, but you can also check for failure if the width or height are 0. I wanted to use my own system for telling the user that there was an error, but I couldn't figure out how to hide the php E_Warning error... until i thought of this! <?php print("<!--"); $is = getimagesize($pic); print("-->"); ?> =D figured this might be useful for somebody else having the same problem. diablx
I'm sorry for they other scripts, but I made one mistake about the image resizing... here is a working script ! <? // Some configuration variables ! $maxWidth = 90; $maxHeight = 90; $maxCols = 8; $webDir = "https://localhost/images/"; $localDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/"; $AutorisedImageType = array ("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png"); ?> <center> <table border='1' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='5' style="border-collapse:collapse; border-style: dotted"> <tr> <? // Open localDir $dh = opendir($localDir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { $filesArray[] = $filename; } // Display and resize foreach ($filesArray as $images) { $ext = substr($images, strpos($images, ".")+1, strlen($images)); if( in_array($ext, $AutorisedImageType) ) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize( $localDir.$images ); $xRatio = $maxWidth / $width; $yRatio = $maxHeight / $height; if ( ($width <= $maxWidth) && ($height <= $maxHeight) ) { $newWidth = $width; $newHeight = $height; } else if (($xRatio * $height) < $maxHeight) { $newHeight = ceil($xRatio * $height); $newWidth = $maxWidth; } else { $newWidth = ceil($yRatio * $width); $newHeight = $maxHeight; } if($i == $maxCols) { echo "</tr><tr>"; $i = 0; } echo "<td align='center' valign='middle' width='$maxWidth' height='$maxHeight'><img src='".$webDir.$images."' width='$newWidth' height='$newHeight'></td>"; $i++; } } ?> </tr> </table> </center> boshka
I was trying to workaround with the problem of getting the mime type of the image from the raw data (the images data is stored in a database and the mime type is not known in advance). Since getimagesize requires a file name, there are some ways to deal with it: 1. call getimagesize with a URL which points to the image - this is too slow. 2. use PHP file i/o wrapper class. 3. use temporary files. The code for #3 could be as follows: function getimagesize_raw($data){ $cwd = getcwd(); #get current working directory $tempfile = tempnam("$cwd/tmp", "temp_image_");#create tempfile and return the path/name (make sure you have created tmp directory under $cwd $temphandle = fopen($tempfile, "w");#open for writing fwrite($temphandle, $data); #write image to tempfile fclose($temphandle); $imagesize = getimagesize($tempfile); #get image params from the tempfile unlink($tempfile); // this removes the tempfile return $imagesize; } john
I was coming here to see if there was a simple way to get the height, width, and mime type of an image I have uploaded and while I thought the following code would work because it is printed above <?php list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize("img/flag.jpg"); ?> it didnt when I tried to echo out $type; so heres my fix, there may be a better way but it works for me! <?php $blah = getimagesize("folder/file.gif"); $type = $blah['mime']; $width = $blah[0]; $height = $blah[1]; ?> and then you can just echo out one of the variables about to get whichever you would desire. sean
I needed a quick way to make a group of images uniformly sized, but only on one page. So creating a new set of thumbnails was overdoing the whole thing. I made up this script that seems to do the trick. <?php $image = "absolute/path/to/image/image.jpg"; $size = getimagesize("$image"); $height = $size[1]; $width = $size[0]; if ($height > 150) { $height = 150; $percent = ($size[1] / $height); $width = ($size[0] / $percent); } else if ($width > 150) { $width = 150; $percent = ($size[0] / $width); $height = ($size[1] / $percent); } echo "<img src\"image/path/image.jpg\" height=\"$height\" width=\"$width\" />"; ?> webmaster
I figured others have wanted to scale an image to a particular height or width while preserving the height/width ratio. So here are the functions I wrote to accomplish this. Hopefully they'll save somebody else the five minutes it took to write these. You give the filename and the dimension you want to use, and these functions return the opposite dimension: function scale_to_height ($filename, $targetheight) { $size = getimagesize($filename); $targetwidth = $targetheight * ($size[0] / $size[1]); return $targetwidth; } function scale_to_width ($filename, $targetwidth) { $size = getimagesize($filename); $targetheight = $targetwidth * ($size[1] / $size[0]); return $targetheight; } mail
How about this for cropping images... <?php $imgfile = "img.jpg"; $cropStartX = 300; $cropStartY = 250; $cropW = 200; $cropH = 200; // Create two images $origimg = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgfile); $cropimg = imagecreatetruecolor($cropW,$cropH); // Get the original size list($width, $height) = getimagesize($imgfile); // Crop imagecopyresized($cropimg, $origimg, 0, 0, $cropStartX, $cropStartY, $width, $height, $width, $height); // TODO: write code to save new image // or, just display it like this: header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($cropimg); // destroy the images imagedestroy($cropimg); imagedestroy($origimg); ?> coodiss
Heres a easy way to scale images to the <td> that they are in *this is broken up so anyone can understand it :) <? $imageinfo = getimagesize("images/picture.jpg"); $ix=$imageinfo[0]; $iy=$imageinfo[1]; $widthscale = $ix/175; //<TD> WIDTH $heightscale = $iy/175; //<TD> HEIGHT if($widthscale < 1) $nwidth = $ix*$widthscale; else $nwidth = $ix/$widthscale; if($heightscale < 1) $nheight = $iy*$heightscale; else $nheight = $iy/$heightscale; ?> simms
here's a nice way of resizing user-uploaded files on the fly, using ImageMagick (on linux), but no GD: <? if( $image_info = getimagesize( "/upload_dir/" . $uploadName ) ) { if( $image_info[ 0 ] > $defaultImgWidth ) { exec( "mogrify -geometry " . $defaultImgWidth . " " . "/upload_dir/" . $uploadName . " &" ); } } ?> $defaultImgWidth would be the target width of the image -- note that the code above resizes the image without distorting its original proportions, and only if it is wider than $defaultImgWidth. the ImageMagick syntax used above ("mogrify ..") overwrites the original file ($uploadName) with the resized image. gormozus
getimagesize() seems to cache the results, so if you resize an image (using the methods described earlier) and you want to re-read its width and height, use imagesx() and imagesy() to get the actual information.
For those that like to go the dynamic thumbnail route, I've found that you can get warnings with getimagesize() after your loop through more than 3 to 4 images. In my case I needed 12 images on each page. Use usleep() in your loop just before you run getimagesize() otherwise you'll end up with warnings, big images and a broken page. Using usleep() lets the server recoup for X milliseconds so it will accept connections again for the image size. I've found that usleep(1500) is the best for my situation. This barely slows the page down and allows for getimagesize() to work 100% of the time for me. russell chappell
For those of you who are confused about what the mime type IE displays image/pjpeg and other browsers image/jpeg and are building in checks for all of your scripts to tell the difference i would suggest using the getimagesize() mime results which will always be image/jpeg regardless what browser you use. <?php $info = getimagesize("image.jpg"); foreach($info as $key => $value) { echo $key . ' - ' . $value . '<br />'; } ?> Where it says mime always is image/jpeg robertks
For those of you trying to derive the dimensions of a video file (e.g. Video for Windows AVI, Quicktime MOV, MPEG MPG, Windows Media Video WMV or ASF, etc.), you will find the getid3 library to be indispensible. Found at http://getid3.sourceforge.net, here's an example of its use in a script: include_once('getid3.php'); // or wherever you actually put the getid3 scripts $file_location = './myvideo.avi'; $file_info = GetAllFileInfo($file_location) // calls getid3 function $file_width = $file_info['video']['resolution_x']; $file_height = $file_info['video']['resolution_y']; You can then use your OBJECT and EMBED tags in HTML to put the video into a web page, and make the PHP template independent of the size parameters of the particular video it happens to be loading. (Just remember to add pixels to the video height to accomodate the controller of the embedded player: typically, 16 pixels for Quicktime, 46 pixels for Windows Media Player 6, and 64 pixels for Windows Media Player 7. zusto
For nonick AT 8027 DOT org (16-Nov-2004 11:46) You can use GET parameter ($_GET["photo_url"]) as the function variable and when you will need to make some thumbnail, you can specify the path in the url of image... something like "<img src = "url/for/thumb_function_page.php?photo_url=photos/originals/image.jpg" ...> hu dot php dot net
Flash compressed format SWF: Array ( [0] => 468 [1] => 60 [2] => 13 [3] => width="468" height="60" [mime] => application/x-shockwave-flash ) [2] : SWC = SWF-compressed value 13 thomporter.com
Every time I come here I'm bothered by the fact that there's no quick reference to the indexes of the array returned by this function. It's all wrapped up in a paragraph, hard to find. So, here it is: Array[0] = Width Array[1] = Height Array[2] = Image Type Flag Array[3] = width="xxx" height="xxx" Array[4] = channels (PHP >= 4.3.0) Array[5] = bits (PHP >= 4.3.0) Array[6] = mime (PHP >= 4.3.0) jlratwil
Data types of the output array for getimagesize(). [0] = The width of the image. It is integer data type. [1] = The height of the image. It is an integer data type. [2] = Image Type Flag. It is an integer data type. [3] = String for <img> tag (width="xxx" height="xxx"). It is a string data type. [bits] = Number of bits. It is an integer data type. [channels] = Number of channels. It is an integer data type. [mime] = MIME type. It is a string data type. php
Apparently appending $attr in the <img ...> tag will not render the image at all or render only a portion of the image under Safari and IE under certain circumstances. I haven't figured out the exact circumstances, but I'm using XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD, and the circumstances seem to depend on the rendering order of the page. The problem is due to the width="..." attribute in general, not the height="..." attribute. To fix the problem, forget the $attr attribute and stick with the stylesheet: <?php list($w, $h) = getimagesize("image.jpg") ?> <img src="image.jpg" style="width: <?php=$w?>px; height: <?php=$h?>px;" /> phpnetunderscorespam
an alternative to the three options below for finding the width and height of data you know to be an image: $image = imagecreatefromstring($mydata); $width = imagesx($image); $height = imagesy($image); ten tod xmg ta rotanimrev reverse it
An additional note to "tightcode_nosp@m_hotmail": If that doesn't work try this instead: <? $img = imagecreatefromjpeg ($filename); $x = imagesx ($img); $y = imagesy ($img); imagedestroy ($img); ?> Though keep in mind that this consumes lots of CPU. So if you're doing something like creating a page of thumbnails this is considerably slower. So what you can do is use getimagesize() and check if - the width and height are empty strings ("") - and those two values aren't too high Both indicate that getimagesize() didn't work properly. The latter may happen if getimagesize() thought that it recognized the format and therefore the size properly. I mean if you're looking at pictures that you know are max. 1024x768 and getimagesize() returns a width of e.g. 20234 then it's obvious that something went wrong. In that case use the code mentioned above. Of course if getimagesize() returned small values that are wrong you still get the wrong size. So check your pictures and priorities first. So all of this could look like as follows: <? $picinfo = @getimagesize ($filename); if ($picinfo !== false) { $x = $picinfo [0]; $y = $picinfo [1]; } // change this according the picture resolutions you're expecting if ($x > 2000 || $y > 2000) $x = $y = ""; if ($x == "") { $img = imagecreatefromjpeg ($filename); $x = imagesx ($img); $y = imagesy ($img); imagedestroy ($img); } ?> Note: fix syntax stuff if there's an error as I compiled this example from a few places. If you don't care about the huge load on your CPU or you have to rely on the proper size use the snippet noted at the beginning only. ajreading
A simple piece of code i wrote to proportionally resize an image to a max height and width then display it <?php // Max height and width $max_width = 100; $max_height = 100; // Path to your jpeg $upfile '/path/to/file.jpg'; Header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); $size = GetImageSize($upfile); // Read the size $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; // Proportionally resize the image to the // max sizes specified above $x_ratio = $max_width / $width; $y_ratio = $max_height / $height; if( ($width <= $max_width) && ($height <= $max_height) ) { $tn_width = $width; $tn_height = $height; } elseif (($x_ratio * $height) < $max_height) { $tn_height = ceil($x_ratio * $height); $tn_width = $max_width; } else { $tn_width = ceil($y_ratio * $width); $tn_height = $max_height; } // Increase memory limit to support larger files ini_set('memory_limit', '32M'); // Create the new image! $src = ImageCreateFromJpeg($upfile); $dst = ImageCreateTrueColor($tn_width, $tn_height); ImageCopyResized($dst, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $tn_width, $tn_height, $width, $height); ImageJpeg($dst); // Destroy the images ImageDestroy($src); ImageDestroy($dst); ?> yohami dot com - zerodj
A cool resize / cropping script for creating thumbnails using mogrify IMAGETEST.PHP <?php include 'mogrify.php'; // variables from flash (my website uses flash and php) $picture="sample.jpg"; $fixedwidth=300; $fixedheight=240; // cropimage($picture,$fixedwidth,$fixedheight,$mogrify); ?> MOGRIFY.PHP <?php // walking the path $mogrify="C:/apache/Imagik/mogrify.exe"; // ---------------------------------------- crop function function cropimage($picture,$fixedwidth,$fixedheight,$mogrify) { // GET IMG $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($picture); $width= imagesx($img); $height= imagesy($img); // CROP WIDTH if($width!=$fixedwidth){ $ratio =$fixedwidth/$width; $NewHeight=round($height*$ratio); $NewWidth=round($width*$ratio); exec( $mogrify." -resize ".$NewWidth."x".$NewHeight."! $picture"); exec( $mogrify." -crop ".$fixedwidth."x".$fixedheight."+0+0 $picture"); // REFRESH $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($picture); $width= imagesx($img); $height= imagesy($img); } // CROP HEIGHT if($height!=$fixedheight){ $ratio =$fixedheight/$height; $NewHeight=round($height*$ratio); $NewWidth=round($width*$ratio); exec( $mogrify." -resize ".$NewWidth."x".$NewHeight."! $picture"); exec( $mogrify." -crop ".$fixedwidth."x".$fixedheight."+0+0 $picture"); } // ImageDestroy($img); } ?> yeah! ryan
--- Editor's Note: It's easier to call on urlencode() or rawurlencode() to "fix" urls containing spaces and other characters that normally not well-liked. --- You may have noticed that images with spaces WONT work with getimagesize - some of us have massive amounts of pictures, or don't feel like rewriting file names on users uploaded pictures- so here is a super fast fix that will replace the spaces once the image is called and will work with getimagesize flawlessly- $image_new = "/pictures/$pic[picture]"; //PICTURE URL $image_new = str_replace(' ','%20',$image_new); //REPLACE THE SPACES Now you just call $image_new using getimagesize and you wont' have anymore problems. On my site I take uploaded pictures from users - then resize them if they are over a certain width, here is the script i use if anyone would like to do this- $image_new = "/pictures/$pic[picture]"; //url of picture $image_new = str_replace(' ','%20',$image_new); //take url and replace spaces $max_width= "480"; //maximum width allowed for pictures $resize_width= "480"; //same as max width $size = getimagesize("$image_new"); //get the actual size of the picture $width= $size[0]; // get width of picture $height= $size[1]; // get height of picture if ($width>$max_width){ $new_width=$resize_width; // Resize Image If over max width }else { $new_width=$width; // Keep original size from array because smaller than max } echo "<IMG src=\"$image_new\" border=1 width=$new_width>" //print image with new width Hope this helps anyone who wants some simple uses for getimagesize- check out my website to see it in action- vitalmodels.com egingell
<? // These constants are used by image_info(), below. define ('IMAGE_WIDTH', 'width'); define ('IMAGE_HEIGHT', 'height'); define ('IMAGE_TYPE', 'type'); define ('IMAGE_ATTR', 'attr'); define ('IMAGE_BITS', 'bits'); define ('IMAGE_CHANNELS', 'channels'); define ('IMAGE_MIME', 'mime'); /** * mixed image_info( file $file [, string $out] ) * * Returns information about $file. * * If the second argument is supplied, a string representing that information will be returned. * * Valid values for the second argument are IMAGE_WIDTH, 'width', IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'height', IMAGE_TYPE, 'type', * IMAGE_ATTR, 'attr', IMAGE_BITS, 'bits', IMAGE_CHANNELS, 'channels', IMAGE_MIME, and 'mime'. * * If only the first argument is supplied an array containing all the information is returned, * which will look like the following: * * [width] => int (width), * [height] => int (height), * [type] => string (type), * [attr] => string (attributes formatted for IMG tags), * [bits] => int (bits), * [channels] => int (channels), * [mime] => string (mime-type) * * Returns false if $file is not a file, no arguments are supplied, $file is not an image, or otherwise fails. * **/ function image_info($file = null, $out = null) { // If $file is not supplied or is not a file, warn the user and return false. if (is_null($file) || !is_file($file)) { echo ' <b>Warning:</b> image_info() => first argument must be a file.'; return false; } // Defines the keys we want instead of 0, 1, 2, 3, 'bits', 'channels', and 'mime'. $redefine_keys = array( 'width', 'height', 'type', 'attr', 'bits', 'channels', 'mime', ); // If $out is supplied, but is not a valid key, nullify it. if (!is_null($out) && !in_array($out, $redefine_keys)) $out = null; // Assign usefull values for the third index. $types = array( 1 => 'GIF', 2 => 'JPG', 3 => 'PNG', 4 => 'SWF', 5 => 'PSD', 6 => 'BMP', 7 => 'TIFF(intel byte order)', 8 => 'TIFF(motorola byte order)', 9 => 'JPC', 10 => 'JP2', 11 => 'JPX', 12 => 'JB2', 13 => 'SWC', 14 => 'IFF', 15 => 'WBMP', 16 => 'XBM' ); $temp = array(); $data = array(); // Get the image info using getimagesize(). // If $temp fails to populate, warn the user and return false. if (!$temp = getimagesize($file)) { echo ' <b>Warning:</b> image_info() => first argument must be an image.'; return false; } // Get the values returned by getimagesize() $temp = array_values($temp); // Make an array using values from $redefine_keys as keys and values from $temp as values. foreach ($temp AS $k => $v) { $data[$redefine_keys[$k]] = $v; } // Make 'type' usefull. $data['type'] = $types[$data['type']]; // Return the desired information. return !is_null($out) ? $data[$out] : $data; } ?> |
Change Language![]() gd_info getimagesize image_type_to_extension image_type_to_mime_type image2wbmp imagealphablending imageantialias imagearc imagechar imagecharup imagecolorallocate imagecolorallocatealpha imagecolorat imagecolorclosest imagecolorclosestalpha imagecolorclosesthwb imagecolordeallocate imagecolorexact imagecolorexactalpha imagecolormatch imagecolorresolve imagecolorresolvealpha imagecolorset imagecolorsforindex imagecolorstotal imagecolortransparent imageconvolution imagecopy imagecopymerge imagecopymergegray imagecopyresampled imagecopyresized imagecreate imagecreatefromgd2 imagecreatefromgd2part imagecreatefromgd imagecreatefromgif imagecreatefromjpeg imagecreatefrompng imagecreatefromstring imagecreatefromwbmp imagecreatefromxbm imagecreatefromxpm imagecreatetruecolor imagedashedline imagedestroy imageellipse imagefill imagefilledarc imagefilledellipse imagefilledpolygon imagefilledrectangle imagefilltoborder imagefilter imagefontheight imagefontwidth imageftbbox imagefttext imagegammacorrect imagegd2 imagegd imagegif imagegrabscreen imagegrabwindow imageinterlace imageistruecolor imagejpeg imagelayereffect imageline imageloadfont imagepalettecopy imagepng imagepolygon imagepsbbox imagepsencodefont imagepsextendfont imagepsfreefont imagepsloadfont imagepsslantfont imagepstext imagerectangle imagerotate imagesavealpha imagesetbrush imagesetpixel imagesetstyle imagesetthickness imagesettile imagestring imagestringup imagesx imagesy imagetruecolortopalette imagettfbbox imagettftext imagetypes imagewbmp imagexbm iptcembed iptcparse jpeg2wbmp png2wbmp |