PHP : Function Reference : DOM Functions : DOMXPath->registerNamespace()
cameron kellough
This is called prefix mapping and it is necessary to use xpath to handle documents which have default namespaces. //root/item will search for items with no namespace, not items with the namespace described as the default in the xmlns declaration. This problem is maddening as it just looks on the surface like xpath isn't working.
It is mentioned in a few places on the web, but it wasn't mentioned here. You need to use this function to set up a prefix for the default namespace of a document.
For instance, if you are trying to parse a Microsoft Spreadsheet XML file, which has the default namespace of "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet":
$doc = DOMDocument::load("my_spreadsheet.xml);
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$query = '/m:Workbook/m:Worksheet[1]/m:Table';
$result = $xpath->query($query, $doc);
You can use anything in place of the 'm', but you have to specify something! Just asking for "/Workbook/Worksheet/Table" doesn't work.