PHP : Function Reference : String Functions : chop
This function is an alias of:
chop() is different than the Perl
chop() function, which removes the last
character in the string.
bernard dot spam
To get a perl style chop():
$foo = "bar";
$foo = substr("$foo", 0, -1);
echo $foo;
//returns "ba" (removes last character)
zebadger@excite dhot com
The perl version of chomp only removes newlines. I modified the previous code to do that.
function chomp(&$string)
if (is_array($string))
foreach($string as $i => $val)
$endchar = chomp($string[$i]);
} else {
$endchar = substr("$string", strlen("$string") - 1, 1);
if ($endchar == "\n")
$string = substr("$string", 0, -1);
return $endchar;
The above notes are confusing 2 different Perl fuctions, chop and chomp.
In Perl, chop removes and returns the last charecter of a string. This function was often used in Perl <= version 4 to remove newlines, and in some cases, you'd think you were choping a new line, but if the last charecter wan't a newline, chop would still remove it.
As of Perl 5, chomp (note the "m") was introducted. Chomp removes the last character(s) of a string only if those chatecters are new lines, and it returns the number of characters deleted. (If the string ends in multiple newlines, they will all be choped off, and if the last charecter is not a new line, nothing will be choped off.)
So, I don't think either of the above examples quite duplicate Perl's chomp, but they are both very helpful.
Just doing an ego search, noticed this old thread. I think all of you have missed my point- I was trying to emulate perl's chop() function, *NOT* perl's chomp() function. I just called it chomp() in PHP as chop() is already taken.
Perl's chop() does two very important things (in my arrogant opinion):
-If given an array, it will chop() every element in the array
-It returns the character removed (leading to some while loops which certain people would murder you for using, and certain other people would go out of their way to use)
I guess calling it chomp() was a bad idea.. pretend I said "perl_chop()" instead.
I don't know Perl so I am not sure how close/far this is from its chop() behavior but if you just want to remove line endings from a string you can do...
All of PHP's trim function accept an optional character mask.
Another possible one would be to use this:
function chup(){
foreach(func_get_args() as $b) {
return $ar;
If you wanted to perl-chop a va list of strings and return the removed chars. Obviously you can easily mod it for va list arrays of strings and the like.
Actually, PHP's chop() acts just as perl's chomp(). The above user-contributed example does not act enough like perl's chop(), however. An important part of perl's chop() is that it returns the chop()ed character. Here's how to get perl-style chop()s [let's call it chomp() just to bring this whole mess full-circle]
function chomp(&$string)
if (is_array($string))
foreach($string as $i => $val)
$endchar = chomp($string[$i]);
} else {
$endchar = substr("$string", strlen("$string") - 1, 1);
$string = substr("$string", 0, -1);
return $endchar;