navigator : Navigator Object : Navigator JAVASCRIPT TUTORIALS

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The navigator object is a built-in object that is used to obtain information related to the Navigator browser.

Properties and Methods of the navigator object

Property/Method Description
appCodeName Represents the code name of the browser
appName Refers to the official browser name
appVersion Refers to the version information of the browser
javaEnabled() Function that tests to see that Java is supported in the browser
language Refers to the language of the browser
mimeTypes Refers to an array of MimeType objects that contains all the MIME types that the browser supports
platform A string representing the platform on which the browser is running
plugins Refers to an array of Plugin objects that contains all the plug-ins installed in the browser
plugins.refresh() Checks for any newly installed plug-ins
preference() Allows reading and setting of various user preferences in the browser
taintEnabled() Tests to see whether data-tainting is enabled
userAgent String that represents the user-agent header

    <title> Example of the navigator object</title>
    <script language="JavaScript">

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» Navigator Object