Textarea : TextArea : Form JAVASCRIPT TUTORIALS




Instances are created by the browser when it encounters an HTML

In the JavaScript object hierarchy, the Textarea object is located at window.document.Form.Textarea.

Event Handlers/Methods/Properties Description
onBlur Called when the text area loses the focus.
onChange Called when the text area loses the focus and has had its value modified.
onFocus Called when the text area receives the focus.
onKeyDown Called when a key is pressed down. This occurs before an onKeyPress event handler is triggered.
onKeyPress Called when a key is pressed down immediately after an onKeyDown event handler is triggered.
onKeyUp Called when a key is released.
onSelect Called when a user selects some of the text within the text area.
blur() Removes the focus from the text area.
focus() Gives the focus to the text area.
handleEvent() Invokes the handler for the event specified.
select() Selects the text in the text area.
defaultValue Returns the value of this text area defined between the beginning and ending
form Returns the entire form the text area is in.
name Returns the name of this text area specified by the NAME attribute.
type Returns the type of this text area. Note that this is always textarea.
value Returns the value that is actually displayed in the text area.

    <script language="JavaScript">
    function openWin(){
      var myInstance = document.myForm.myTextArea;
      var myWin = open("""","width=450,height=200");
      myWin.document.write("The defaultValue is: " + myInstance.defaultValue + "<br>");
      myWin.document.write("The name is: " + myInstance.name + "<br>");
      myWin.document.write("The type is: " + myInstance.type + "<br>");
      myWin.document.write("The value is: " + myInstance.value + "<br>");
    <form name="myForm">
      <textarea name="myTextArea" rows=cols=50>
      Here is some text in my text area.
      <input type=BUTTON value="Click to Process" name="myButton" onClick="openWin()">

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