To access the XMLList representing child nodes, use the XML class's instance method children( ). : XMLList : XML Flash / Flex / ActionScript examples

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To access the XMLList representing child nodes, use the XML class's instance method children( ).


  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){
        var rootElementName:String = "BOOK";
        var rootAttributeName:String = "ISBN";
        var childElementNames:Array = ["TITLE""AUTHOR""PUBLISHER"];
        var bookISBN:String = "0000000000";
        var bookTitle:String = "ActionScript";
        var bookAuthor:String = "J, J";
        var bookPublisher:String = "Books Ltd";
        var novel:XML = <{rootElementName} {rootAttributeName}={bookISBN}>


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Flash / Flex / ActionScript examples

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» XMLList